It’s Color Play Wednesday!

Hello out there in Scrapbook Land. Boy, is it just me or do these Wednesdays roll around really fast? Before we go any further, let me remind you of what the beautiful February Color Play palette looks like.

Our very talented designers took their inspiration from this palette and created their amazing collections. I have chosen a few layouts to showcase this week. I know you’re ready to see them and it’s so hard to just choose a few from our talented members. Here are my picks for this week.
Walk In The City by jam-on-toast

Cherish The Now by bcgal00

Bundle of Joy by *sylvia*

Afternoon Tea by Betty Jo

Borealis by Madie Girl (We love it when our designers scrap!!)

Spring is in the air by Marijke

Well, that’s going to do it for this week. Aren’t these Color Play inspired layouts simply beautiful? Remember, If you’d like to possibly see one of your layouts featured here, just create a page with one of the current Color Play collections. Then, upload it to the Oscraps gallery, into the Color Play category. Then move your layout to the What’s Happening Around the O Forum, in the Come Share Your Color Play Layouts with Us thread. The layouts for the blog are chosen from that thread.
I’ll be back next week and as always, I hope your life is filled with color.