
Art Journaling ~ Have You Embraced it Yet?


Can you believe that it is already October, and nearly the middle of October at that?? I am “embracing” it because I live in the desert and October means that the relentless heat of Summer is gone!

You notice I keep using that word “embrace”. Well, that’s because I’m a goof ball, and our theme of this month for the art journaling challenges is “EMBRACE”. Here is how Sonja introduced the topic last week:

Our word prompt for this month is EMBRACE. The word “embrace” carries a profound emotional and symbolic significance that goes beyond its literal meaning of holding someone close. On a deeper level, embrace can represent:

  1. Acceptance: To embrace is to accept someone or something wholeheartedly, flaws and all. It speaks to the idea of welcoming someone into your life without reservation, often signifying emotional warmth and unconditional support.
  2. Vulnerability: Embracing someone requires openness and a willingness to be vulnerable. It creates a safe space where trust and emotional connection can thrive.
  3. Unity: Embracing symbolizes a merging of two individuals, not just physically, but emotionally or spiritually. It’s a moment of connection where boundaries blur, and a sense of togetherness is felt.
  4. Comfort: In times of hardship or distress, an embrace can be a powerful gesture of solace, conveying that words are sometimes unnecessary to express care or concern.
  5. Letting go: Embrace also involves releasing fear, hesitation, or doubt. It invites the idea of accepting changes or new beginnings, offering hope and courage to move forward.

In essence, the emotional meaning of “embrace” is deeply tied to human connection, trust, and a sense of belonging, offering a bridge between individuals in moments of vulnerability, celebration, or healing.

This is her layout: (linked so you can find it easily to give her some love!)

And the random draw out of the pages that were entered:

By Belle: (linked so you can find it easily to give her some love!)

We are into the second week of the challenge, and this is the intro and page that Cheryl has done:

Our word prompt for October is EMBRACE. Here’s the meaning of the word Embrace, according to the American Heritage Dictionary:

Embrace /ĕm-brās′/

intransitive verb

To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection.
To surround or enclose.
To include or contain as part of something broader. 
(The American Heritage® Dictionary)

I feel so blessed that Cheryl is sharing her journey of Grief and acceptance with us. Honored.

I look forward to seeing what layouts we get for this week!

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