
It’s Color Play Wednesday!

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Hello Scrappers! Cheryl here to bring you the very last June Color Play blog post for this month. Yes, that’s right – next Wednesday, I’ll be revealing the new Color Play palette for July and you’re going to love it!! One more time, here is the palette that our designers worked from for this month’s Color Play.

If you’d like to take a look at the entire June Color Play Collection, here’s the link. Now, how would you like to see the Color Play inspired layouts for today? I know you would, so let’s get started.

Vitamin Sea by Marijke is my first featured layout for this week.

Summer Story by BrightEyes is my next featured layout.

My next featured layout is June Feeling by Zanthia.

Next up is Summer Vacation by RobinS.

My next featured layout is July Love by Scribler.

My last layout for today is Mandy at Priest Lake by bkasko.

That’s it for today. I’m excited to reveal the new Color Play Collection, so join me right her – next Wednesday for that as well as more Color Play inspired layouts. In the meantime, may your life be filled with color.


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