
Cheery-O Favorites ~ July 4 – July 11, 2024



Welcome to this week’s “Cheery-o Favorites”! These are some of the layouts that have wowed the Cheery-O’s this week. Each week we will feature 5 of the many we see each day!!

Selected by Ona (aka wombat146)
Mom in the Summer by cfile

Absolutely love everything about this page from Christa! The colour palette evokes a very nostalgic feel to her layout while the weathered frame that features that photo of her stunning mother is just perfect. Together with the scribble, the soft movement of the ribbon both mimic that faint summer breeze you sometimes get down at the beach. Absolutely perfect in every way.

Chosen by Cheryl aka Cherylndesigns

Transformational Art by Anita H

The big flower, right in the center, really jumped out at me. This is such a beautiful focal point!

Chosen by Susie aka Pachimac

Who Am I by cherylC

I was awestruck by this amazing piece of art. I say “art” because I absolutely could frame this and put it on the wall in my own home. The texture in the background is amazing, the word “ART”, and all the deliciously odd textures attached to the face make this page pop out of the gallery! Her blending and element choices are flawless!

Chosen by Marijke

Lynn Grieveson June 2024 Color Play Challenge by Dorci

The colour combo of aqua blue and orange really drew my eye to Dorci’s layout. I love the created photo with AI together with the paperpieces and brushes. It’s so creative.

Chosen by *sylvia*

Anna-Aspnes-digital-scrapbook-Artplay-Palette-Cooth-Pier-Joan by Joansmor

Joan’s monotone layout is a real eye-catcher. It’s not just the variety of textures and the peaceful scenery of the photo, but also the perfectly chosen and placed accents.

Remember, if your layout is featured on the Friday Faves blog, you get entered into a gift certificate to the store!! It’s a random drawing, so everyone has an equal chance!


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