It's a psychological thriller crime show that starts off in season 1 with a bookstore manager named Joe who becomes obsessed with a woman he meets there. It's really dark but not gory in my opinion.I haven't heard of it other than seeing it on the Netflix home screen. What is it about? Something that both me and hubby could watch together?
You should!Ummmm not sure. Haven’t heard of it…. But I also admit that I don’t watch much TV or shows anymore and when I do, I binge. I’ll definitely check it out.
Scratch that, lol, maybe a tad goryIt's a psychological thriller crime show that starts off in season 1 with a bookstore manager named Joe who becomes obsessed with a woman he meets there. It's really dark but not gory in my opinion.
You totally shouldOhhhhh, my daughter just told us that they were watching this. We're going to check it out.
I hadn't heard of it and she told us they were hooked on it! I said "I just saw this on the message board!" Thanks for posting this!You totally should
how is season 3 - watched first 2 will watch 3 when i get netflix back
I watch very little TV, and almost never netflix, watched the series "maid" last weekend and I thought it was good
I need to look at this new season. It's a good serie.
@zanthia I can't believe I still haven't watched it lol...I need to but sometimes I'm not in the mood to watch a new season until I have time to really pay attentionI think we're weird - we watched the first episode, of Season One and didn't like it. I figured it out and my DD said that I was right, but we just had to stay with it. Anyone? Can you help me? WHY didn't we like it?