
**WINNERS**Scrap 100 (final task) - 275 Photos Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!


Well-Known Member
OK...Here come the final 50... actually 52... When I started this challenge the game plan was to keep it simple and make it look like an old black photo album... Well they were pretty boring weren't they??? which is why we are scrapping today... to make pretty pages... I think I did pretty good at staying simple (only little touches of artsy) but this last batch, I am sorry to say, the creative juices just took over!!! I guess you can only hold me down so long... lots of blended papers, etc... moving forward, I will probably gradually work up to more artsy pages... have decided to do 3 more years and then have the pages bound at Shutterfly or??? 10 years of family history that will make it easy to give the kids copies.... Whew

As always they are clickable... FYI the ones with unreadable text , you will find the text in the gallery!

Thank you Joanne for the challenge... Never would have happened other wise!
OK...here goes...

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Well-Known Member
WOW!!! These are a BRILLIANT set of pages!!! I love your plan to get a book made with your collection and give copies to your children!! BTW your pages were never, ever boring lol! You should be really proud of yourself - this was a huge project to take on!!

OK...Here come the final 50... actually 52... When I started this challenge the game plan was to keep it simple and make it look like an old black photo album... Well they were pretty boring weren't they??? which is why we are scrapping today... to make pretty pages... I think I did pretty good at staying simple (only little touches of artsy) but this last batch, I am sorry to say, the creative juices just took over!!! I guess you can only hold me down so long... lots of blended papers, etc... moving forward, I will probably gradually work up to more artsy pages... have decided to do 3 more years and then have the pages bound at Shutterfly or??? 10 years of family history that will make it easy to give the kids copies.... Whew

As always they are clickable... FYI the ones with unreadable text , you will find the text in the gallery!

Thank you Joanne for the challenge... Never would have happened other wise!
OK...here goes...

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Well-Known Member
This is such a bitter-sweet moment for me to announce the winners of this final challenge of the scrap 275 Photos Challenge. I know how much work, time, effort and dedication goes into both finding (and for some of you even scanning & cleaning up) such a large quanity photos and giving them a place in our pages, so the fact that so many of you stayed with this challenge right up until the very end - I literally want to give each of you a hug lol! You have all brought so much creativity, variety and talent to this project - your pages have given me (and everyone else who stops by my gallery) years worth of inspiration!

It was an very easy decision to give everyone who participated in this final challenge a $10 coupon + the $3 participation coupon lol (via your PM box)!

Congratulations and thank you to all of you! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Joanne... No argument from me... a HUGE project...! I sent the font name in my PM back to you....enjoy! Liz


Well-Known Member
Very generous Joanne. Thanks so much! I learned so much in these photo challenges and am looking forward to see what you come up with next! Any hints? :typing:


Well-Known Member
Many thanks, this is such a great surprise for 4th July!
This challenge was a big inspiration for me too, I have few ideas to scrap lift in future. And was such a pleasure till I select my photos to find some which I was totally forgot.


Well-Known Member
Oh woooo! That is so generous of you Joanne!
Thank you so much for all the coupons throughout the challenges and for the inspiration! I would never have thought to go dig out some of these old photos, but it would have been a pity not to! (except now I have quite a few projects on my hands as I plan to expand on the pages created for your challenges in addition to the photobooks I do each year for each my boys...!)
And thanks to everyone who participated too, so much inspiration in their pages!


Well-Known Member
So sorry I never got this version of the challenge done! I still have all those New Mexico photos to do, but last month just wasn't the time for me.

Thanks so much for all the versions, it has been super.