
**WINNERS ANNOUNCED** Color Theory Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!!


Well-Known Member

If you're interested in working with colors, patterns and transforming your photos into a frame-worthy work of art, then this is the challenge for you!

For this challenge I'll be using a stack of photos from a 2015 trip to Walt Disney World and will post a series of "walkthroughs" on my blog to show you some of the colorful pop & graphic art inspired treatments I've used. My treatments will range from minimal to bold and will hopefully inspire you to dive in and try some yourself.

You can grab more inspiration from my brand new set of art inspired products in my shoppe - on sale for 30% off for this challenge:

The Freebie

Get started by picking up the Color Theory Freebie Set here in my shoppe (Freebie has expired):

The Challenge

Your challenge is to be inspired by color - vivid, soft, bright, blended, patterned - let your imagination guide you. You can go minimal or think way outside the box - don't be afraid to SERIOUSLY transform your photos. Feel free to create a card, layout, series of layouts, album or any other project.

Use any of the products from the Color Theory collection, including the Color Theory Freebie Set or any other products from my shoppe, then post your masterpiece(s) in my gallery here by midnight EST on Sunday, February 25th, 2018.

The Prizes

Everyone who participates in this challenge will receive a gift coupon for $2 to my shoppe (one coupon per customer).

I'm also giving away a $10 coupon to my shoppe to one lucky participant in a random draw at the end of this challenge!
Don’t forget to come back to this challenge thread to post a link to your card or layout, so that we can leave you some love!

Feel free to submit as many pages as you like! The more you enter, the greater your chances will be to win the $10 coupon!

Walkthrough Posts from my Blog (links will be updated here):

Color Theory Walkthrough #1
Color Theory Walkthrough #2
Color Theory Walkthrough #3
Color Theory Walkthrough #4
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The Loopy-O
oooh I just got some photos of my son's snakes that might be really cool for this- they are albino garter snakes but have a really neat patetrn of pale yellow and lavender on them. They would be really dramatic subjects for this


I was just thinking last night that it's time for a fun, fun, JB challenge. This was a quick design done using those FAB freebies. Thanks, again, for all the fun and goodies, Joanne!



Well-Known Member
oooh I just got some photos of my son's snakes that might be really cool for this- they are albino garter snakes but have a really neat patetrn of pale yellow and lavender on them. They would be really dramatic subjects for this

Those sound like perfect photos for this challenge!


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking last night that it's time for a fun, fun, JB challenge. This was a quick design done using those FAB freebies. Thanks, again, for all the fun and goodies, Joanne!

omigosh,you are amazing! This page is incredible!


What a fun effect! Thank you for the freebie so we could try it out. It is perfect for my DGD's birthday.
