I grew up with real Christmas trees versus artificial trees. Our tree went up on Christmas Eve and came down the day after Christmas. I used to joke that if you were in the bathroom too long you would miss the tree! . It seemed like it was only up such a short time! Therefore, when I had my own home, I left the tree up for a month, or, sometimes, two! I LOVE Christmas trees and the sparkly ornaments and lights. Once my mother was in ICU during Christmas. I would come home to get new clothes and see my family. I loved seeing the tree but didn't get to enjoy it much. My mom got better and came home. That year I kept my tree up until March because I felt that I mad missed out on Christmas because I was staying at the hospital. When do you put up your tree and how long do you keep it up? This is a NO SHAME zone! . I know of people who leave their tree up all year and decorate it for different monthly holidays!