When you had a whole week just for yourself.
No kids, maybe no husband, or a husband doing the housekeeping for you. No chores, no obligations, no work, no nothing.
Just a whole week for yourself.
How would you spent your week.
I think I would go to the store to buy lots of my favourite food, catch up on my reading, go out to take pictures, do lots of scrappping and in the evenings I would watch all my favourite movies and series.
I sometimes so long for a week for me, just me.
(The truth is I would probably be bored to death at the end of the week, missing my kids too much and wanting to share all the fun stuff with my husband. Maybe I should go for two or three days max!)
No kids, maybe no husband, or a husband doing the housekeeping for you. No chores, no obligations, no work, no nothing.
Just a whole week for yourself.
How would you spent your week.
I think I would go to the store to buy lots of my favourite food, catch up on my reading, go out to take pictures, do lots of scrappping and in the evenings I would watch all my favourite movies and series.
I sometimes so long for a week for me, just me.
(The truth is I would probably be bored to death at the end of the week, missing my kids too much and wanting to share all the fun stuff with my husband. Maybe I should go for two or three days max!)