
Were you a paper scrapper......................


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I wouldn't call myself a paper "scrapper" but I previously made greetings cards using punches to make flowers etc before die cutting was introduced. In fact I was asked to contribute articles to a papercrafting magazine but thought that sounded too much like hard work. Did the Floral Punch Craft for a few years along with parchment work and stamping. Then came across digiscrapping and thought "this will work out cheaper than keep buying punches and card." Silly me! I got hooked. But I so enjoy digiscrapping and am grateful for the lovely comments made on my pages. x
How exciting to be asked to contribute articles to a papercrafting magazine. I used to make lots of cards, too. I love punches and still have most of mine.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, I was a paper scrapper for only two years before I turned to the darkside of digital scrapbooking.
I still make greeting cards but mostly digital - printed and sometimes embellishments added to them.
Sadly I had a few paper scrapbook albums I was still working on that got destroyed when our home was flooded in 2022.
Oh, I remember when that happened to you. That had to be devastating. I love the cards you make, Anne-Marie.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Right now I am in my garden reading an old Creating Keepsakes from April 2006.
I started in 2005 and filled 2 12 x12 albums. I loved it but Ilove tge digi effects more.Also it was alot cheeper. I had paint shop pro already on my computer. I used Basic Grey jpgs as backvrpund papers

I can't throw away those beautiful papers Iwant to make some hybrids but it is a fuss fo get them printed.
I'm right there with you on not throwing away my paper. I loved BG and still have lots of it. Digi scrapping is sure a lot cheaper than paper.


Well-Known Member
Digi scrapping is sure a lot cheaper than paper.
Not for me!!!! I knew hubs would see whatever I brought home in paper form. And he would see the ever growing bucket of supplies. For me digital is way way way more speedy! No one sees, it takes less space, impulse buys are WAY easier. I dont have to get dressed or leave my house! Yeah, not good for me LOL But oh so fun!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Not for me!!!! I knew hubs would see whatever I brought home in paper form. And he would see the ever growing bucket of supplies. For me digital is way way way more speedy! No one sees, it takes less space, impulse buys are WAY easier. I dont have to get dressed or leave my house! Yeah, not good for me LOL But oh so fun!
Well, for me it is. I was lucky that I was on so many CT's (We called them Design Teams back in the horse and buggy days). I used to get boxes of goodies every month. My DD quit scrapping because she said she couldn't afford to get $20 tied up in a page. I guess I always wanted the whole" enchilada" - the whole kit - lots of goodies and I rememer all of the designers who offered paper, plus all of the other matching goodies.


Well-Known Member
Well, for me it is. I was lucky that I was on so many CT's (We called them Design Teams back in the horse and buggy days). I used to get boxes of goodies every month. My DD quit scrapping because she said she couldn't afford to get $20 tied up in a page. I guess I always wanted the whole" enchilada" - the whole kit - lots of goodies and I rememer all of the designers who offered paper, plus all of the other matching goodies.
Horse and buggy days :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I too want ALL of it but not being on CT means it gets expensive. Need a pay raise LOL


ONA - Administrator
How fun reading about how everyone got into digital scrapbooking! I used to paper scrap years and years ago and I remember having to 'smuggle' in my scrapbook supplies into the house, using 'grocery branded bags' so hubby wouldn't see EVERYTHING I bought!!! :floorlaugh: When I look back on that now I do believe that I just loved the 'buying and hoarding' part, taking out and looking at those precious papers to simply look at them as I was NEVER going to cut into them!!!!!!!:eek::lol23::lol23:I have fond memories of going on weekend trips with my sister, visiting every craft or quilting shop we could find!! :greengrin:

Around 2008 I was creating training manuals at work and was using PSP and Microsoft Publisher and really enjoyed the process of designing them and then a close friend of mine asked me to design a CD cover for her niece who was a singer who had just created her first CD to sell (privately, no record company). I had this image in my head of how I wanted it to look and spent hours on the internet (at work mind you as our internet at home was dial up and way too slow!!! :greengrin:) and lo! and behold!!!! I found digital scrapbooking!!! :yesss: Have never looked back since then!!! STILL love it, and I DO need to do it everyday, it's such such a wonderful refuge from all of the worries of the world!

I kept all my paper stuff until we moved down here to Tassie in 2018, and then gave everything away to my then daughter in law for her and the kids to use but then I regretted giving away some of the things as I really got into art journaling down here so I am back to buying supplies again!! :lol23::lol23: But I don't think I will be giving away my digital art, you will most probably see me in years to come in the old people's home, while everyone else is playing bingo I will be scrapping! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh, Ona you just made me :floorlaugh::rotfl:- you were in the horse and buggy days, too. :lol23::lol23:It seems SO long ago, but also seems like yesterday. Dang, did I HATE to cut into that precious paper and still have a whole box full of it. I just can't part with it!! I can also relate to just handling and loving all of my "stuff". I still love doing that and have way more of it than I'll ever use, but I just can't part with it. I've pared it down quite a bit, but some of it I'll never get rid of.

I'll bet you do regret giving your stuff to your then DIL. ACK! Oh well, you did what you thought was the thing to do at the time. I also remember going to every scrapbooking store everywhere I went and to all the other craft stores. I still love and have quite a bit of Tim Holtz stuff - I think that's when i got the "messy art" bug even before digi. One of my favorite quotes is "II can buy all of the scrapbooking supplies that I can hide from my husband" - something like that. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Mine never really cared, but i always felt a little guilty about all the money I spent - I was doing a lot of altered art back in the old days, too. I was even making my own books. it got pricey.

That's so interesting how you got the digi bug. I remember back in the old days how excited I was to find an online scrapping site. Haha "dial up internet" - that horrible noise!!!! Then, "You've Got Mail". You can still hear that noise online - EEKKKKK!!

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
I was a paper scrapper staring in 1995, just as scrapbooking was taking off again. In 1998 the Arkansas-Oklahoma (AOK) Division of The Salvation Army (many Americans don't know The Army is a church and as officers we were the pastors at our assigned location. First Tulsa, then Norman, Oklahoma) started a women's retreat called Scrap 'N' Praise. We would scrap a while and had some super classes - all included in the cost of the weekend - then we would have sing-alongs and other praise meetings in between. It was a wonderful 4 day weekend and, as a staff member, mine was all paid for. I learned so much and did some Creative Memories, too, but really wanted to make scrapbooks like my friend, Annette. Hers are drop dead gorgeous, so swoon-worthy. But they were expensive and with 2 young children took a huge amount of time. I did some pages with Microsoft Publisher but it was quite limited so I kept mostly with paper but did some hybrid stuff until 2004 when I was looking for an inexpensive craft for my ladies group at the church and ran across a hybrid project on RAKScraps. We made some darling paper Easter treat baskets with my scrapbooking supplies.

Shortly thereafter, I was hooked on digi! I used Microsoft Digital Image Pro until they discontinued it then converted, kicking and screaming to PSCC. I am happy with that now, but I sure wasn't at first. I bought my first kit, a family family history kit, from E-Scape and Scrap and have never looked back. It is totally AMAZING what I can do with digi and I don't know more than a third of what PSCC will do.

Paper scrapping does affect my digi scrapping. I can create pages just like Annette's at a fraction of the cost and can add all the wonderful hybrid elements like real lace and stuff when I print. I look at paper sites all the time for ideas. That said, even though my boys used tons of my supplies for school projects and I donated a boatload of them for silent auction band fund raisers, I still have a couple $1000 dollars of supplies in storage. When I get them here, I may see if any of the divisions are still doing retreats like Scrap 'N' Praise and donate them.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh my goodness, Susan, what an amazing legacy you've had with paper/didi scrapping. I think I KNEW that you were involved with The Army, but I apologize, I had forgotten. What a wonderful story and it made me gain a whole new respect for the Salvation Army. Those retreats must have been simply wonderful, and you started about the same time as I did. (I started paper scrapping in 1996). Tulsa and Norman are very close to where I live now.

I remember how expensive paper scrapping could be - especially if you did the "thick" pages like your friend did and like I did. ( started paper scrapping in 1996). My pages were so thick that I could only get a few of them in a 12x12 album without it being so cumbersome that you could hardly handle it. My DD, Adrienne, has my paper albums - she begged me for them, and she has treasured them and always will and I can look at them whenever i want to. I took pictures of a lot of my pages and as you know, the pictures don't take up the space that the real pages did.

I'm SO glad I started this thread - it has been so much fun to hear all of your stories. You probably remember the AOL dial-up sound. I posted it in a previous post - what a screeching but fun sound (we were going online) it was.