
Watch out, now! I'm having a party! :)


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday Jodie! What a great sale! Too bad I've already bought most of your store. Hee hee hee.

(Did you know that when you go into the orders history on the store, it tallies up how much you've spent? *ugh*)


Well-Known Member
Woohoo! Jeez, you're old (hahaha says the girl who is also turning 30 this year).


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday, my friend...trust me...your 30's will be your best decade yet!

Although, between you and Karah turning 30 this year, I think I need to get some older friends...geeesh...I don't like being the old broad of the group! ;)

Jodie McNally Designs

aka lilysmama
Happy Birthday, my friend...trust me...your 30's will be your best decade yet!

Although, between you and Karah turning 30 this year, I think I need to get some older friends...geeesh...I don't like being the old broad of the group! ;)

*SNORT* Broad...did you seriously just call yourself a broad? Niice! See how we roll around here, people? Total class...all day.

Jodie McNally Designs

aka lilysmama
Happy Birthday Jodie! What a great sale! Too bad I've already bought most of your store. Hee hee hee.

(Did you know that when you go into the orders history on the store, it tallies up how much you've spent? *ugh*)

Well, what you *should* do is figure up which ones you don't have yet that you want...and see how much it would be to buy them. If it is more than $20, you'd still be getting a bargain, right?! LOL!

danger girl

Well-Known Member
Happy birthday, Jodie!!

I think maybe you've lost your mind just a little with this sale.

(anybody who is thinking about buying Jodie's store, do it quick before she comes to her senses!)

Jodie McNally Designs

aka lilysmama
Happy birthday, Jodie!!

I think maybe you've lost your mind just a little with this sale.

(anybody who is thinking about buying Jodie's store, do it quick before she comes to her senses!)

Well, maybe my mind is the first to go, huh? :) Woohoo!

No, really...I hope not. I'm not ready for that yet...I'm already crazy enough. :D


So good to be back!
Congrats Jodie!!!


Wait, maybe that one's for Vicki...



FeiFei Stuff Designer
Happy Birthday Jodie!!! and you're right 30 is the new 20!! ill be turning 30 too this april! gasp!!

great promo!!!

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
WOW Jodie, Happy Birthday Dude.

Can I turn 30 this year too? It seems like the right age to be. As I somewhat "older broad" (yep, nice one, Laura!) I feel like I'm gonna miss out on the party.

What an amazing offer, Jodie.


back hOme and loving it
if only I were turning 30 this year too :lol: :lol: :lol:
but then I was almost 31 when Cedric was born ... so this would mean not having him yet ... OK forget it, I'll stay 35 on my way to 36 ... :lol:

great offer girl !!!!


The Loopy-O
Hmph! I heard that 40 was the new 20! (I am a really old broad and remember when it was used in everyday conversation Buhhahahaa!)

Happy Birthday Jodie!!!! What a great sale!!!


...loves her some "O"
happy birthday, darling...and I agree with Chris, 40 is the new 20!! heehee

btw, i was so excited about your birthday, i posted another happy birthday thread in the chatter section!! heehee!!!