
want to know my secret?

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
OMGoodness - you are AMAZING Heather!!! I am in awe. When I first started digi scrapping I was getting about 3 LOs a day scrapped, but I had the wonderful benefit of help with the household duties, so I was entirely free whilst the kids were at school. Now I live in a country where this is absolutely NOT possible, I'm running on about 3 LOs a week!

I have to ask.........do you eat? Or sleep? Go on, make us feel better, tell us you don't make the beds or something!

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
lol, i really was shocked myself when i counted them up!!! I scrap in the mornings when my little one is at kindergarten and then I have about an hour later in the evening. And yes I have lots of help from my hubby with the house work :)


Well-Known Member
I have to admit.....there was a time when I was scrapping about 2-4 pages almost everyday....BUT.....................Selena....my beds NEVER were made up :biggrin:...along with a lot of other things that were sorely neglected!!!

Heather!!! :hail: you rock sweetie!!! I am lucky these days to scrap one or two pages in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCRAP ON SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCRAP ON!!!

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
did i mention i don't have to grocery shop or cook supper? Yea he's awesome like that :) I could tell you more but you will throw rocks at me and will want to kidnap him !


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Oh I only wish I could scrap that much!! My hubby is pretty good with helping me too, but not making supper every night!! He makes it once a week and perhaps a dinner out once in a while. You keep on rocking with the layouts girl!! Awesome!!


Well-Known Member
That is amazing. I am going crazy trying to find time to work on my neices album I am making for graduation, I am a very slow scrapper. Keep posting your layouts, I just finished a page for the album that I lifted from your gallery.

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
That is amazing. I am going crazy trying to find time to work on my neices album I am making for graduation, I am a very slow scrapper. Keep posting your layouts, I just finished a page for the album that I lifted from your gallery.

Oh what a compliment it is to be lifted!! Thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
You rock, Heather, you ROCK!!!!
