
Update on Marley


The Loopy-O
I wondered about that with my Harley when she was diagnosed with Lymphoma and lived another 5 years. I honestly think that the love we gave her and the attention she got from our "transition dog" helped. Sometimes I think that whomever watches over the Rainbow Bridge knew I wasn't ready for her to leave. She was my soulmate. I *needed* her and I am grateful for every day she was by my side.
Sounds like Marley has so much love surrounding her too ♥


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I wondered about that with my Harley when she was diagnosed with Lymphoma and lived another 5 years. I honestly think that the love we gave her and the attention she got from our "transition dog" helped. Sometimes I think that whomever watches over the Rainbow Bridge knew I wasn't ready for her to leave. She was my soulmate. I *needed* her and I am grateful for every day she was by my side.
Sounds like Marley has so much love surrounding her too ♥
I truly believe that can happen, Chris. I told you about our Bailey - same thing. They told us there was nothing else that could be done and we took him home and loved him and he lived about five more years. That's when I put the first St. Francis medal on a dog. They didn't even make them for dogs back then, but I hooked it to his collar. That's so sweet about your Harley living five years longer, too. :hug4: