Both my personal and my work emails are all read but not empty. I have less than 10 in either inbox. I very much dislike having my email cluttered. My husband on the other hand has well over 2,000 unread and it drives me bonkers every time I look at his phone!
Too many! I have unsubscribed from a bunch, but I still get too many! I try to just delete the ones I don't want to take the time to read, like from the credit card people, etc.
I'm a zero unread girl. I hate that red little number yelling at me. Drives me crazy. Hubs has close to 20K and it drives me crazy. I check my email daily and delete what I dont need, file what needs to be saved and never have more then 75 in my inbox (read) and they get deleted as orders arrive or matters get taken care of, usually having 35 read emails in my inbox at a time. Every January I delete any saved emails that are done and dusted and utilities bills that cant be disputed anymore. Bank statements, CC statements, all deleted after a couple months. I unsubscribe to many emails a day, junk the spam and off and running to keep it neat and clean. The one place my family cant mess up!!!!
I usually keep emails marked as "unread" in Gmail until I am ready to take the time to respond to them, process them, etc. I have 485 "Important and Unread" and 11 just regular "unread", but my "everything else" which has been read and not deleted is 1,185 A lot of those are ones that I read but didn't mark as unread because I figured I would get to them whenever I get to them, nothing urgent, just things I want to keep
I have a *cough* few unread emails 1,800 to be exact and I DO need to clean it out!!! I go through and delete the stuff I don't want every day that has come in but the ones I do want to read I leave, hoping to get back to them ........ they are mainly art related ones with some health ones thrown in from companies I have purchased supplements from. Business ones are taken care of each day and then moved out to a folder. One of these days I will catch up. lol!
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