
Transparent background disappears.


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Sometimes when I import an embellishment with a transparent background, the transparency changes into a solid white background. This happens randomly -- I can work with transparent files earlier on the same layout, and then the next file has a white background. I am in PSE 13
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ONA - Administrator
Hi there! Has it just started happening? Is it a kit that you have only recently purchased? or is it happening with png files from a variety of kits?


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This has been happening on and off for about a year. All the png and psd files are from reputable designers who I use almost exclusively. It may only happen once on a layout


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I can use an element with perfect transparency works perfect, and when I use it again the transparency is gone


ONA - Administrator
There is a great discussion in the link that Diane provided above so perhaps that may give you some answers.

I noticed though that Maureen was also using PSE13 when it happened to her. I missed out on PSE13, went from PSE11 TO PSE14 so maybe it is a PSE13 problem??

As I said in my first post, I have never had this problem at all, and can save the file as a PSD and come back later to work on it and the PNG layers are still transparent. I move my files from File Explorer to PSE and then move the PNG file onto my layout but years ago, when I was using the PSE Organizer I would move them from there and I still had no problems.


Pictures, please
Thanks! Today I opened the psd file again, turned off the white element off, and dragged in another element from the same kit. It came in with a transparent background. who knows?