
To New to Know anything


Well-Known Member
Well...I am just too new to this forum thingy...this is the first one I have joined....I have only been Digi-Scrapping for about 5 months and just recently started posted them in galleries. So...can anyone tell me what the "signature" thing is? I kind of get that it's those blinkies (where do they come from?) and how do you get the links in there to your gallery? Sorry to sound so "stupid" but I am just to much of a newbie to this stuff!! Go ahead...laugh away!! It doesn't bother me!! :p Thanks!! Linda
Hey Linda! We don't think any question is stupid and we welcome everyone here at the O! =)

First things first...you'll want to change your editor settings. To do this go to User CP in the upper left corner. Then go to Edit Options on the left. Scroll all the way to the very bottom and change your Message Editor Interface to Enhanced Interface Full WYSIWYG. This will be very, very helpful to you and it's something someone had to tell me how to do! Make sure to save changes.

To get a blinkie, you have to know the link to the exact blinkie image. A lot of people will use an account at a place like Flickr or Photobucket to host the original image. I go the easy route and use a blinkie that someone else has on their signature and then right click (or ctrl click on a Mac) and select "Copy Image Location".

Now, to edit your signature, you can go to the user control panel in the upper left corner. Then to "Edit Signature". In the Edit Signature box, click on the yellow button with mountains on it. In the box that pops up you can paste the link that you copied. Then save...and you have a blinkie.

If it tells you you can only have five lines in your signature, it's talking about html coding, not actual lines that you see. If you are willing to play with the coding, you might be able to fix it. Otherwise, you might be able to convice one of the superpower admins to help you fix it. =)

Hope that helps and welcome to the O!
Hi Linda! You are in expert hands with Sara here!!! :D I was asking the same 'dumb' questions only a few months ago and Sara helped me as well! Sara, do you have these answers already typed out, so you just have to copy and paste them.....everytime a newbie asks these questions!! LOL!!

Linda, you will find the "O" a real friendly place to be and hope to meet up with again around the forum and gallery real soon. - Ona x
Hey Linda & Sara ... just wanted to jump in here & say that I've been here at the "O" for 6 months now (but only started participating in the forums / challenges etc in March this year) and I've learned something new today thanks to your question & Sara's reply ... just goes to show you really do learn something new every day!

The "O" is an AMAZING place to be & EVERYONE here is sooooooo friendly & knowledgeable. You'll LOVE it!!!
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Hi there Linda- I am so glad that you asked those questions and are us.
As a Cheery O (forum cheerleader), we are very honored that you chose us as your first forum! Wow!

Come visit us in the Daily Ooo's too. Each day we like to check in, talk about our day and get to know each other better.

Welcome to the O!
Hee hee Ona! I like helping. =) It's half of my job at work. (Tech support for teachers and students) I'm very used to typing out directions like this.

But now that you mention it...copying and pasting wouldn't be a bad idea. =) Mental note to bookmark this thread....

Sue, I'm so glad you are jumping in!
Hello and welcome. :) What Sara said should be a big help. If it's still confusing, don't be afraid to ask for further clarification.

I would like to add one thing to you and Sara.
To get a blinkie, you have to know the link to the exact blinkie image. A lot of people will use an account at a place like Flickr or Photobucket to host the original image. I go the easy route and use a blinkie that someone else has on their signature and then right click (or ctrl click on a Mac) and select "Copy Image Location".
Sara, you evidently aren't aware of this, I know I wasn't when I first started online. The right clicking and saving the image address from another's blinkie is a No No. That is considered bandwidth theft. You will need to host your images at a photo sharing site like you said instead of the quick way.
Thanks so much, to all of you!! I will have to check out these suggestions and if I still need some help..I will be right back here to ask!! I feel like I picked the right forum to start out out..you are all so NICE and sweet! Can't wait to know more about all of you.

The one part of the question I have not seen any answers to is how to post my gallery to my signature? can you help? Thanks...Linda
K!!! I fixed mine...I'm hosting my own blinkies now. =) My apologies to whoever I was stealing bandwith from (Amanda, et. al.) =)
OK...did not work...what did I do wrong?? Being a Newbie is a little frustrating!!!!!

OOOHH...I fixed it! Well ladies....I am now in the 21st Century!!! LOL
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Thanks Merkee for the blinkie info..........I have fixed mine up as well! It wasn't too hard either!! LOL!! :)