
This or That

You are so funny Sara! I have no idea what is the difference between the peas you describe!!!! LOL
Oh okay....I never liked that as a kid, but now they're okay ;)

Jewellery choice....necklaces or bracelets?
I love bracelets but I don't wear them ... so I guess necklaces LOL

sticking with the jewelry theme .... white gold or yellow?
More early than late for me I guess. Depends on what you see as early. Is 7 - 8 a.m. early?

Movie popcorn - butter or not?
Well, I've only ever heard semolina used in terms of pasta flour, so I have no idea what that is I guess.

I will go with custard because I love custardy things like flan, pudding, etc.

Mashed potatoes or Baked potatoes?
In borders (I'm not good at keeping them healthy in pots ... ! )

In your borders, small trees of flowers ?
Whatever is easiest for me not to kill. LOL I do not have a green thumb!

Consignment sale clothes or cheap brand new from Walmart?