
This or That

D-- now I have to get my thinking cap onto remember who was who.

jerry is the mouse??

Then Jerry is my final answer :D

Tweety Bird or Jerry?
whenever possible Windows Open, only when it's really too hot do we use air conditioning

drink water : from the fridge or at room temperature ?
mmmm depends in which country: in England, most of the time room temperature,
in South America: always fromn the fridge!!!!

movies: at the cinema or DVD/video at home?
Which way are you looking? LOL

Looking at the bed it's the left. Laying in bed - it's the right.

Hiking or biking?
Chocolate !!!!! (with a little bit of chocolate as well if you please ;) )

tennis shoes of flip flops ?
ohhh flip flops!!!!! I spent years when we lived in North East Brazil without wearing shoes!!!!! not very practical in England though...

travelling for leissure: flying or cruising? (by air or by sea?)
by air. Gets you there faster and I get less motion sick that way.

Would you be a super fast land animal or a super flying air animal?
but these days not even that, an ex husband who turned into an alcoholic plus tons of medication keep me away from any kind of alcohol apart from ..maybe once a year LOL