
The time has come! CT Call for Becky Vosburg


Well-Known Member
~REMINDER! 3 Days Left to Apply!~ CT Call for Becky Vosburg


I am looking for few more talented scrappers to add to my team of "Creative Genuises"!! If you are interested in helping me actively promote my products and would make this face~>:D:D:D at the thought of getting all my products for free, then I am looking for YOU!!

Apply to
b.creativedesigns@yahoo.com with alittle info about yourself, links to your most complete galleries, and please let me know what other CTs (if any) you are on.

To get a glimpse at what you would be working with, check out my store here at Oscraps
Get those apps in by August 20th!!
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Well-Known Member
Good luck Becky! Once people see your crystal daisies and Sunshine on my Window, they will be filling your mailbox!