
The Past is Another Country

Lynn Grieveson

If researching my own (and my partner’s) family history has taught me anything, it is that the way people ARE doesn't really change.

The famous quote is “The past is a foreign country” but I like to think of it as ANOTHER country, because so much about people and relationships does stay familar.

But the world around us certainly does change - in small, incremental ways or in big leaps.

I don't know about you, but creating with old photos is a form of meditation for me on that. Whether it be photos of me in the same place but years apart, or treasured old family pics. I love reliving it in my mind as I create, or wondering about the life of the people in the photo. When it is an old photo of me, there are always a myriad of hidden messages from the past that bubble up as I create (such as lessons I have learnt, or things that took on much more significance over the years). Sometimes I may include them in the journalling, other times I may just think on them as I work on making a ‘pretty page’.

So I went a little overboard creating with the collaborative collection "The Past is Another Country" that I made with Rachel Jefferies! Making the collection was a labour of love, scrapping with it was pure joy.

From pages about my time in Greece, then and now:

To family heritage pics:

And memories of my North of England roots, and of travelling around Yugoslavia as the civil war was about to kick off (perhaps don't tell my mum about that one …)

Speaking of joys, one of the fun things about collaborating with Rachel is that we are both scrappers as well as designers, so I get to see what she makes with the same collection. It's always a fun surprise to see the angle she has taken.

I love how she used a vintage archive photo here of a familiar place:

But also how she used it for a special photo from her more recent past:

There's lots more inspiration in the video which you can see on the collection store listing here <-----

Thanks for reading, and I hope you are having a fun DSD weekend!

