
Talk to me about scrapping a LO-- as in chucking it in the bin


The Loopy-O
I know that we all hit times where our mojo is gone or it feels like we can only stare at a blank screen and nothing happens. Turn on PS. Stare a little while. Turn off PS.

Sometimes I think that is easier than fighting a LO- you know what I mean, where you try all sorts of different photos or kits or blending or well everything you can think of, and yet-- Nothing looks right. What do you do then?? Start a LO and then delete it? Or do you start a LO and then abandon it halfway through? Sometimes, I will start a LO and I simply don't have it in me to trash it even though it deserves to be trashed. Other times I will make a copy of it and see if I have any better luck with the copy (don't; ask me why but sometimes knowing I have the OG file saved, gives me permission to deconstruct and re-struct it. LOL
How often do you go through your folders and delete old, unlike, and unfinished LOs?

I hope that I am not the only who thinks about this too :D


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I often "chuck it all" and just start over. If I'm not feeling it, I just can't make it work - I "close all" and start from scratch. Sometimes, I need to give myself some cooling off time, though.

I'm also not saving layouts anymore that I KNOW I will never need - I'm not going to print them and they're not for a CT that I MIGHT need them down the road - why keep them? They're usually for random challenges and they're just taking up space on my computer. If I THINK there's a chance that I'll need them, I put them on one of my EHD's. I'm really on a mission to de=clutter my files. I do keep CT layouts and keep them in separate folders. I have needed them again down the road. I can use some of them for re-releases.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes start a layout and have these issues. I will save it and let it "sit" for awhile. Often it is my own state of mind, mood, or just plain being tired that causes the conundrum. When I come back to it, 99% of the time it comes together. I almost never delete it.
I'm working one (Collab challenge) now that I started a week ago. Still not great, but I think I'm going to embrace it anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Perfect example...I had to "chuck" my siggie for awhile. Seriously killed my mojo and a lot of the rest of my attitude. For whatever reason, I could not get the steps right on inserting my signature. I made a quick signature for the challenge...I really liked it...loaded it to the gallery. And that was THE END.

For the life of me, I couldn't get it to load as my signature. We went to the beach...had a great Sunday...made Shaun his requested seafood boil for supper. Came back to it yesterday morning...had to ask for help. I was ready to give up scrapping...but thanks to the ladies here I finally got it together...decided that I might just have a little too much on my mind...and realized that I probably could continue scrapping! LOL
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Some layouts get finished, but never upoaded because i am not happy with them. sometimes i look at them a second time to see if i can make it work but if i still don't like it nothing happens to them. they rest in peace on my harddisk.

other times i start a layout, have photoshop open to play and lots of papers elements etc. on my screen. if nothing interesting happens on my layout i click on the X top right of my screen and it all goes away, never think about it again!


Queen of the Universe
I'm all over the place regarding this. Most of the time, if a LO isn't coming together, I'll walk away for a while. When I come back I either see what the problem is or realize that what I've done so far isn't awful after all, lol.

Just recently, though, I was partway through a layout, got too frustrated, and just deleted the whole mess and started over.

I almost never delete older layout files. So far I have plenty of room on my EHD's to just transfer them to. Out of sight, out of mind.


Sarcasm is the way I Roll
I chuck layouts all the time. I really don't even like starting a layout unless something from the kit has inspired me. My favorite places to go for inspiration are nature and mixed media layouts on Pinterest (and IG). I love to just smoooosh different ideas together.

Lynn Grieveson

My philosophy is "let it gooo"


If a layout isn't coming together and I've tried a few different things, I just ditch it and start from scratch. Interestingly, usually the second time is the charm!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I chuck layouts all the time. I really don't even like starting a layout unless something from the kit has inspired me. My favorite places to go for inspiration are nature and mixed media layouts on Pinterest (and IG). I love to just smoooosh different ideas together.
I would love to see what inspires you because I always like the end result!!’