
Talk to me about Google Chrome


The Loopy-O
I need help!
I was using firefox, but it was getting really buggy on me. Tali suggested i try Google Chrome. So I am using that now.
But I am having some hard times with it-- like I can't find how to set up pop-up blocker to allow some pages.
Also how do you book mark pages? I imported all of my FF bookmarks which are in a folder on the side...but in FF I was able to have a bookmark "bar" so I could just drag frequently used sites to the bar and click on them as I much as I wanted too.

There was something else i was wondering about, but I can't remember!
Any tips on how to best use this would be awesome.

Oh one more ?- what is this Incognito Tab??
I'm not sure about pop-ups. I don't have any trouble with blocked pages so far.

To bookmark, just hit that star to the left of the address bar.

I don't know anything about an incognito tab. But, I started using this in January so they may have a newer version?
Tali- I know you love it, I just miss some of the bells and whistles from FF- It is fast that is for sure... but I am just having ahard time getting around I guess.
Right now I am flipping between FF and Chrome and when I am in FF and want to be on the O-- I use the "switch brower" and go over to IE.

But it is making me crazy!

Maybe I should go look on a FF help site, ya think? :p

ETA: Another think I am not liking about IE is the spell check! Where the heck is the spell check! I *need* the spell check Buhahahah!
What version of FF and OS are you using? It could be that the version you have doesn't work as well with whatever OS you have at the moment. For example, the latest version of FF, 3.5, is for Mac OS 10.4 and above. It'll work with an older Mac OS but not as efficiently and it'll seem buggy. The same is true if you have a newer OS and an older version of FF so you would need to upgrade FF.

Definitely go to the FF website, I'm pretty sure they have a forum there.
Good luck!
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Chris, I wasnt sure on GC when I started using it, but now I love it, it takes a bit of getting used to. If you drop the little spanner icon to the left you can have all your 'most used' bookmarks under the address bar.

There is no spell check, but the great thing about GC is when you type something in the address bar it will search for you in google search, therefore, I often have a new tab open and if I am unsure of spelling, I will type it in the unused tab and google will come up with searches, or, 'Do you mean xxxx' lol