
Taking notes..


Well-Known Member
How do you do it? In this day and age of there being an app for everything, does anyone still take notes by hand? Shopping lists? To-do lists? Notes to self? Post-it reminders?

I use OneNote (synced to every device I have) to keep track of most of my life, from copies of important documents I might occasionally need to the list of Christmas gifts ideas for every person in our family to layouts I want to make to literally everything else I don't want to lose track of. I have a separate app for my grocery shopping list. I am never too far away from my phone. The one thing I never use my phone for is reminders. I just LOVE pen and paper and post-it notes. My handwriting is terrible, my notes are messy and nowhere near as organized as the 15 neat folders with their 20-odd neat pages in my OneNote. And yet...

As I am typing this, my forearms are resting on a stack of A4's (placed between the keyboard and myself) that I use to jot down whatever pops into my mind, from lesson ideas for a student (I am a teacher) to catchy phrase I might use for one of my layouts to a dish I would like to try. There's a cute little block of yellow post-its that I use to plan - buy cat food, write to N, schedule a doctor's appointment, that sort of thing... and there's also a small notepad (received as a gift) that I use for thinking out loud - scribbling numbers, names, etc... Anyone can relate?
I switch between scribbled notes on scrap paper, Google Docs/Calendar, and an actual planner for to-do lists and calendars.
Often, I need to write stuff down because I like the feeling of crossing things off. Meal Planning - I use a running handwritten list of dinner ideas but then I use an app as my meal planner.
Yesterday I was hiking for a work project and wanted to take notes so I used Docs on my phone. I could have used a Voice to Text app but I felt like I was disturbing the peaceful vibe on the trail so I typed it all on my phone with lots and lots of misspelled words LOL

I love Post-It notes too!
I tend to bounce around to different methods, surprising I'm sure :rotfl: I have One Note, but usually forget to use it, and organized and neat? Holey moley it is not. I love post it notes, I can never remember all of them and there are a couple that I don't use often that I have on Post it notes stuck to the bottom of my monitor. I use Outlook Calendar for reminders and sometimes I even resort to Alexa and I have a reminder app on my computertoto keep track of Cheery O duties. When I'm at my desk, which is most of the time since I came to the O in April, I have a pencil and a free pad from somewhere or other and pencil in my desk draw. I'll write down whatever it is I happen to need to remember, which is almost everything, I'll write down quick information and then that paper lays on my desk for the next thing I need to jot down. I just keep using it, both sides, until I fill it up. If it's something I decide I need then I'll try to figure out a logical place to put it. Most things are scrap related, so I have a different folder in my Oscraps supplies file. I always use pencil at my desk, if I have a pen out, I'm such a ditz, i would probably mindlessly grab it, the mindlessly is most of the time, and write on my graphics tablet and for that reason am psurprisingly goodat keeping those implements in my desk drawer. Now hubs is totally pencil & paper which is not surprising.
I bounce around. We (DH and I) put needed/wanted items on a dry erase board on the fridge (it is mostly grocery items). Sometimes I do a draft text to myself with shopping items on it. I usually have scraps of used paper lying near my computer to jot things down on. When I'm working on scrapbook pages I keep a running document so I can just copy and paste when time to post the page. Sometimes I handwrite a letter to my only living aunt on my dad's side but lately I've taken to typing it and printing it. So I change it up. I do like seeing things marked off of a list, @faerywings ! A feeling of accomplishment!
I never used to be a list-maker, but as I get older I find that my memory needs boosting more than it used to. With cell phones so commonplace, I take pictures of things I want to remind myself about. I also use Keep Notes on my phone where I keep various lists-my prescription meds and strengths, codes for alarm systems, shopping lists, etc.

When I'm working I keep a stack of scrap paper handy to make notes on as I'm completing tasks or talking to people-otherwise I prefer my phone.
I am definitely a pencil and paper gal. Don't use the cell phone or other media for keeping track of things. Have a couple of notebooks to keep track of CT stuff and other commitments. I use a white board on the kitchen wall for appointments (in addition to writing them on the main calendar and in my purse calendar). I use post-it notes on the monitor for other details.
I use the To Do app on my phone mainly for my shopping list, but you can create multiple lists on there so different times that we have moved and I need to take notes of measurements or whatever, I will make a list for it in the app :) I personally love writing out lists just so I can scratch things off, just like Chris said :giggle4: The computer has ruined my handwriting so everything looks pretty gnarly...ugh. I also have oodles of random post it notes all piled up on my desk and several notebooks that I have scribled stuff in. I recently bought myself an adorable day planner so I can keep better track of when different projects are due at the two stores I am in now. I haven't been using it as much as I should though :hiding1:
I'm a mixed bag of pen/paper and apps. I love love love the AnyList app and can create multiple styles and colors for lists. I use it for my groceries, locations to stop, ets. And it crosses them off with a line!!!! Feels so paper pen. But at home I have a list on fridge for items needed then add to anylist before I leave to shop. I have a paper/pen list of dinner menus for the month. I have a paper calendar on my fridge and all appointments are written it and I sync it with my phone calendar. I also share the "yellow" items in the calendar with my kids so they know and get use to using it. Lesson plans are all pen/paper and when planning out what subjects and what books needed it all paper and clipboards. I love paper and pens and stickers and clipboards oh my. 90% of my life is paper/pen and then if needed transferred to digital if I need it on the go. My menu and grocery list for Church cooking is all paper. I cant think digital, I need to write it out.
Everything goes in my phone, because I always have it with me. I'm notorious for making lists and then leaving them at home.

I depend on the calendar on my phone more than my paper calendar. Everything is set to remind me several times, and when I make an appt, it goes right in there. I even had my husband trained to use our shared calendar.

My favorite app is just called "Folders", and it looks like a little notebook. I don't remember downloading it, so it must come with iPhones. I have categories for the places I regularly shop, besides the obvious "food" category.

One thing I've done for years is use 4x6 legal pads, which I buy in bulk. I always have one of those on my desk.

Edited: on further investigation, the app I use is called "NOTES". See my further discussion with Tracy and my screenshot. It doesn't show any name on the app that I use on a daily basis, but when I went to screenshot all my apps, it shows "NOTES". :floorlaugh:
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My favorite app is just called "Folders", and it looks like a little notebook. I don't remember downloading it, so it must come with iPhones.
I have "files" but I dont have folders on my iPhone. and "files" looks like a blue file folder. It is odd to me the things that can be different between iPhones yet they are all suppose to be the same. My weather app isn't the same as a friend who has a one newer iPhone. Its weird.
I have "files" but I dont have folders on my iPhone. and "files" looks like a blue file folder. It is odd to me the things that can be different between iPhones yet they are all suppose to be the same. My weather app isn't the same as a friend who has a one newer iPhone. Its weird.
Doesn't it figure? You would think that all iPhones would be the same. I'll see if I can get a screenshot of what I use. I've used it for so long, that I don't even know if it came on my phone or not. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Tracy @AK_Tracy - as my youngest gs used to say "I stand corrected". When I went to do a screenshot of all my apps, it shows that it is "NOTES". On the app I use everyday it shows nothing. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like. :floorlaugh:

I use the To Do app on my phone mainly for my shopping list, but you can create multiple lists on there so different times that we have moved and I need to take notes of measurements or whatever, I will make a list for it in the app :) ...I recently bought myself an adorable day planner so I can keep better track of when different projects are due at the two stores I am in now. I haven't been using it as much as I should though :hiding1:
LOL!!!! I bought a beautiful planner two years ago and NEVER used it.:oops2: I thought "well, this year (2024) I WILL use one even if only for our Art biz. That lasted 3 months!!! HA! :oops::rolleyes1:
I use NOTES on my phone EVERY day! I should go through them and delete what isn't needed now. But I save everything from dreams, shopping lists, ideas, things GK's say, Quotes from my parents ( I now REALLY am grateful for that! ) and of course, links I want to refer to.
On my laptop, I use Sticky Notes. I put all the challenge info on one EVERY month. I love that these can be on the desktop or hidden but still available!!!
I don't do paper anymore because, well, ! will lose it!! :blushing1: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Amanda @Amandajk you wouldn't believe how many journals and notebooks I have. People keep buying them for me. It's a hoot - when I'm gone, they're going to say "she never used any of these cool journals we gave her". :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I even "journal" online now - I get reminders all day to "write" in my journal. I'm semi-good about it.
Amanda @Amandajk you wouldn't believe how many journals and notebooks I have. People keep buying them for me. It's a hoot - when I'm gone, they're going to say "she never used any of these cool journals we gave her". :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I even "journal" online now - I get reminders all day to "write" in my journal. I'm semi-good about it.
LOL Yeah, pretty notebooks, no matter the size, are something that I have a hard time saying no to, even if I only end up using a little bit of them!!
It's so funny to hear you talk about how you organize yourselves or not... I was a secretary for 45 years and I'm perfectly organized and structured. I've been at home for 2 years now and I still haven't found the perfect to-do calendar or pad and pen that I should always have with me. I hate using my phone for ideas or notes. A shopping list at most, but I don't use the phone other than WhatsApp, making phone calls, taking photos, and playing Candy Crush. The font is too small for me and fiddling around with the little buttons gets on my nerves. I'd love to walk around all day with an ultimate daily planner like that. You know? A hybrid calendar, made and designed by yourself. That would be cool. Whichever method you chose, everyone has perfect control over their chaos - and that's what makes us special! Don't you think?
I mainly use 3 apps. Evernote for all my journaling, documents to keep…etc. And todoist for all tasks and planning, syncing with my google calendar (shared with hubby and sons)
grocery lists and mealplanning is done on paper notepads.
but I also keep a paper TN (designed by myself) for my appointments as I like writing things down And not fiddling on a phone when not at home