We changed our clocks on March 10th, but we are hoping that this tradition will be ended soon and we will never have to change our clocks again. Do you hope to do the same?
I would like the clocks to no longer change, but my vote would be for standard time. Living in Florida, I do not need an extra hour of daylight and I hate waking up at 6:00 a.m. and having it still be dark out side.only if it stays at the summertime !
I hate the change to daylight savings time. Takes me a few weeks to adjust. I don't like waking up to dark at 7 AM.... I wish they would leave it on regular time.
This weekend we move the clock forward,
we loose one hour of sleep, but the reward: Summertime!
every day an extra hour of daylight until october!
My favourite time of the year!
Do you all change to the summertime this weekend?