
Should I clean my house today? Please Vote!

Should I clean my house or scrap?

  • Clean. Don't you know that your self-worth is 100% tied to how sparkly your toilet bowl is?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clean. What if there was a fire? Do you want the fire department to think you live in a pigsty?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clean and then scrap. Best of both worlds

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Scrap. Life it to short to worry about a clean house.

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Scrap. What is this word "clean?" Does not compute

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters


The Loopy-O
I have to decide if I should clean or scrap. If you all vote for "Scrap" then I can show that to my family and tell them I have no other choice.
But-- please be honest in your response.
Maybe none of the above? Go outside instead of any of it. I don't care if it's raining. Drive to lake and just look if that's the case. No Cleaning today!
I love the “inspiration can be gone in 2 secs” & you “make zero mess” scrapping comments! Another vote that I hope you scrapped & didn’t clean, lol!