
September Challenge #6 - Multi Photos



All members that participate,
can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge
so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you!

Hi everyone, Sylvia here welcoming you to the MULTI PHOTOS CHALLENGE this month.


This challenge is very simple.

Create a layout which has 8 different photos that relate and include an explanation of how they are related.

>>> R.E.L.A.T.E = Make or show a connection between. <<<

No stock photos allowed !!!

The style of your layout is up to you and you can use templates. You can find a selection [ here ].

My layout:


I used products by Anna Aspnes
FotoInspired Template Pack No 3E
ArtPlay Palette Ochre
MultiMedia Flowers No 6

Now it's over to you.
Have fun.
Looking forward to seeing your layouts.


  1. Create a layout includig 8 photos that relate und tell me how these are related.
  2. Please use 80% Oscraps products that are currently in the store.
  3. Non-Oscraps products or retired O designer products can be used whether the designer is selling elsewhere or not.
  4. You need to credit all the products used on your layout.
  5. Your layout can not be used for more than one challenge.
  6. Your page must be posted in the Challenge 6 gallery by midnight PST 30 September 2024 and linked back to this thread [ see below on how to add your linked layout ].
  7. And do not forget to update the CURRENT MONTH'S TRACKING THREAD to be eligible for your coupon.

Adding a linked layout from the Gallery to a thread:

  1. Upload your layout to the gallery first. In your forum post click the Gallery Embed icon [ little camera ].
  2. This will open your gallery, simply click on the layout you require, then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the Continue button.
  3. Your linked layout is now in your post, the image will appear once you have clicked the Post Reply button.



I will never forget the morning a hot air balloon landed on our garage roof.

One morning as I was enjoying my 1st cup of coffee, I heard a loud whooshing noise and a bumping sound. I ran out the front door and saw a huge hot air balloon resting on the peak of the garage. The pilot called down to me that he would lift up a bit if those on the ground would take the ropes to help pull the balloon forward so it could descend in front of the driveway. The neighbors turned out and helped guide it to the street. The chase crew arrived and helped direct the neighbors in deflating it and packing it away. What a fun and exciting morning it was for us.. and for the midwest tourists taking their first balloon ride.



GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Create a layout which has 8 different photos that relate and include an explanation of how they are related.
I LOVE challenges like this because I am terrible at weeding out photos I want to keep them all. Your sample brought back so many memories for me, the crepe paper decorated bike and all of the granny squares, been there, done that, should really have had a t-shirt made. :giggle4: :giggle4: :giggle4: Love it!!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I have so many photos from the 2 weeks our granddaughters spent with us that I'd go broke printing 1 or 2 per page, so this challenge comes at just the right time for me. I used a template I picked up earlier this year, and I thought that the choices of flowers and doilies and such were just perfect for my photos, I just kept them and did very little modification of the template.

These photos are related because they document one of our family outings to a local museum



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the challenge, Sylvia. I hope more than 8 is OK. I struggled to make the cute ugly jay photos work. :p
They relate because the birds are part of our family and, because it's the same bird?
