
Retail Store photo help


Well-Known Member
O.k. So I've wayyy procrastinated on a project and now need to get the pages done. I've created some composite 8 x 10's with several photos in various sizes on them. (Pictures are being sized to a premade project.) I thought I would just size them at 8 x 10 and have them printed at Walgreen's or Walmart or something. Then I can cut the pictures out and I haven't spent as much time, wear and tear, and printer ink that I would if I printed them out at home. They would look decent, but be cheaper. Unfortunately, Walgreen's and Walmart both keep auto-cropping somehow. When I try to get an 8 x 10 size, it fills up the screen with picture. In this case, it's chopping the white space off on the sides. However, this is also changing the size of the pics I've laid out and is chopping off the pics.

Long story short (too late)...does anyone know if ou can make it stop auto-cropping and taking out my white space on Walgreens or Walmart. I didn't try Target because I hadn't uploaded the pictures to one of "their" partners. I also have Sam's or Costco, but don't have my membership set up yet at Costco and it's expired at Sam's.

or should I just suck it up and print them at home? Thanks for the advice!!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, I have no idea.

Maybe call the photo lab at Wal mart and ask them about their auto-cropping?


always chatty at the O!!
Why don't you take them in and use the Kodak machines to print it? That way you can see it and get help to do it. They have the machines at both stores.

danger girl

Well-Known Member
I printed my stuff at Costco. I made a blank 8x10 document and placed my pictures on it, then took them in to Costco and had them printed. I don't remember if I had to color the background or not though. Then I cut them out and put them in frames.


Well-Known Member
Well, Ben was being a pain, so I didn't stand around at the photo place at Walgreens to find out more. I just ended up running by Walmart and buying some cartridges and I'll do it at home. I'll investigate this further though. When I designed a 5 x 7 for my friend for Christmas presents, the first batch she got was chopped off. I didn't understand why at the time, but now that I see how it's auto-cropping it, I kind of understand. I need to activate my Costco membership so I can do things with them.

Thanks for the support girlies. If I find something out I'll let you know.