
Pre-Party Birthday Avatar/Meme Challenge 2024


Well-Known Member
Well, I am definitely struggling today! I was so excited to get started the other night, but I struggle to understand the whole concept of Meme's , let alone making them... I was tired and left it till the next day... Had a VERY full Friday which was capped off by finding a lake of water on my Kitchen floor... back tracking it was from the Refrigerator, specifically the ice maker where all the ice had melted making the lake... by Sat . morning everything in the freezer, was half thawed... Repairmen do not work on weekends... Finally got one who actually diagnosed on the phone, but did come past to verify!!! The compressor had died... the fridge was still running, but without the compressor no cold air. It seems there is a huge track record of these failures for my brand. The rest of the weekend was spent shopping for a new Fridge , finally finding one at a good price that would do, buying it, getting it hauled to my house and installed... In the meantime, I had spent Saturday evening hauling the most important items from my very full Freezer to my neighbors... Now I have to haul it all back... but had to get started here... finally made my way through the Meme site, made one and then with a lot of trial and error, got it into my profile... Now I can't remember how to post it here... sigh... My brain is failing me for sure... Well, it is not big enough... I went back and changed it, but it made no difference... if you click on the image it is better... this is very fuzzy.


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