
Poor Sad Birthday O'Fairy...


...loves her some "O"
she's not feeling so well this morning after all of her partying...*sigh*

Hope she's doing better later...hmmmmmmm....wonder what's gonna happen to all of her fairy dust...

Birthday O'Fairy, you get some rest!!!! Take it easy...get better!!!!


Active Member
Oh, poor Birthday Fairy...after you've been so sweet to us! Feel better soon!


Well-Known Member
OH NO!! Birthday Fairy's sick? (((HUGS))) I wish we had some magic fairy dust to make you all better fast!!! Feel better soon!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
OMGoodness ... I wonder what's the matter with the birthday fairy??? :(

Rest up dear ... tomorrow is another day!!


...loves her some "O"
Pixie Fairy dust would help maybe...ohhhhhhhh or maybe some chocolate!!

or maybe you ate tooooooo many bon bons!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Birthday O'Fairy!! I miss you!!! and your dust!!!


Well-Known Member
forget the dust...i am sending you over some Chicken Soup....whatever you have this will cure it.....get well, sweeettteeee!!


Well-Known Member
Oh no! Poor Birthday Fairy!!! I'll share some of my cake with you if it'll make you feel better!


Well-Known Member
Awwww I'm so sorry to hear that! Get lots of rest (does that ever happen?) and drink lots of fluids!!

Take care!!


The Di

Well-Known Member
Oh Poor Birthday Fairy!! I will send you many good vibes that you will get better very soon.


Well-Known Member
Rest well O'Birthday Fairy. Today's a new day and I hope you're feeling much better! Thank you Captain Birthday Girl for saving the day!! You're the best cousin a girl could have.

O Birthday Fairy

Because I'm happy
OMgosh!!! what wonderful love!!! I felt soooo much better after feeling all of the love from you all that I couldn't help myself but hide one more goodie!!!!
check out the first clue HERE!!!

thanks for all of the get well suggestions...and all of the sickie info ...and especially thanks to my cousin, Captain Birthday Girl who SAVED the day yesterday!!!