My computer has been giving me a lot of issues lately and I might need to strip it down or get a new one. Either way, I might not be able to reinstall Photoshop CS5.
If that is the case, I am going to need to get a version of Elements since Creative Cloud is not an option. (why did they do that? ugh). So I have questions, lots of questions.
Can you tell me a bit about whichever version of PSE you use? I don't think I can buy anything other than PSE 20 on Adobe's website.
If you have used Photoshop, was it hard to move to PSE?
What did you miss the most so I can prepare myself?
Do brushes/masks/actions/styles all work with it?
Sorry for being a bit of a pain but I appreciate knowing what I might the getting into LOL
If that is the case, I am going to need to get a version of Elements since Creative Cloud is not an option. (why did they do that? ugh). So I have questions, lots of questions.
Can you tell me a bit about whichever version of PSE you use? I don't think I can buy anything other than PSE 20 on Adobe's website.
If you have used Photoshop, was it hard to move to PSE?
What did you miss the most so I can prepare myself?
Do brushes/masks/actions/styles all work with it?
Sorry for being a bit of a pain but I appreciate knowing what I might the getting into LOL