
ooo.. no...!!


ONA - Administrator
well it is Thursday evening downunder and I am at another motel!! :) I think I will end up with a reputation if I keep this up!!!!! LOL!!! the flood situation in Grafton is easing and I am very hopeful that I will be able to make it all the way home tomorrow!! the sun has been out and it was very hot and humid up on the tablelands, normally it is a very dry heat up here so hopefully the moist air won't turn into rain clouds again!!

The waters up north are also easing but there are thousands of families affected and it is going to be a very big haul for everyone concerned in cleaning up their houses (if they still have them that is!) and just trying to get back to a normal life!

Thanks again for all of your concerns my sweet imaginary friends!! love you all heaps!!! xx


Well-Known Member
thanks for sending the rain south Ona!

Hope you get home today ....

Is this not THE most bizarre summer! Last night there was so much humidity in our house (we get dry heat NEVER humidity) my tiled floors were wet. Hugh wanted to know who had mopped! LOL!


ONA - Administrator
hahaha!! Ash I am on the next plane out!!! we would have some fun!!! :biggrin:

Well I AM HOME.......... or least home as far as my office, and I just checked and the road home is now open as well so I need to just tidy up a couple of things and then I am gone!!! duck into the supermarket to get DH some bread and milk :) and the dog some more dogfood so I think I will get a good reception when I get home!! hahaha!!!

oh Helen, sorry mate!!! I TOLD the rain to go to other places :biggrin: but certainly didn't tell it to go to your place!!!! I hear you on the humidity though. Up in ARmidale this morning is beautifully COOL and dry at 18 degrees Celsius, I get home to Grafton and its humid and 28 degrees celsius!!! I think I might move! :)

okay, gotta run, will pop back in over the weekend when I am back to my rountine!!! xx


Ona, so happy you're on your way home - I think you'd get a huge welcome without the bread and dog food.

Helen - humidity is a horrible to suffer through - take care my friend

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