
November 2014 Standing O's

I've been back through the gallery and I've found a couple older ones I'm in love with. First, is the one from bcgal00. I just love the dainty feel to the page and the way those flowers peek out from behind the photos.

I adore this one from IntenseMagic. The neutral background just allows those elements to pop. So beautiful.

This one is just wonderful from minyu and so perfect to look at on these cold winter days we're having already. I love the blending of the bigger photo.

Sandra - thx so much for choosing my page! All the pages are just gorgeous! The gallery is just exploding with talent!
I am absolutely in love with this page by mumure It is a fabulous work of art. The textures are amazing and the deep colors make the piercing eyes of the woman stand out.


I don't seem to be able to make the page show- only that little icon. I wonder if someone can find out what I'm doing wrong :(
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from Ann

Dear SharLamb, OMG, I am humbled by your words, thank you so much, I am so glad you have liked it in such a way and has been so special to you. Ann