
Newbie from TN

Hello everyone my name is Helen Timmons (timmonsboo). I'm new here and new to Dani Moy's creative team. So happy to be here.


O so scrappy!
hellO and welcOme to the O! Glad you are here and congrats on making it on Dani's team.


Well-Known Member
Hi, nice meeting you :) welc0me!!! you are gonna love it here, am sure! I came last month when Paula Kesselring opened her store and am in LOVE with every challenge, the girls are amazing , a great place to be :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome Helen! We love it when CT members introduce themselves, helps us to get to know you better!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Oscraps Helen! How cool to be on Dani's CT! Her stuff is great and so glad that you are joining us here too!