
New from Northern CA

Laura Fiore

New Member
Hi everyone...I'm new to this site, new to digital scrapping. I've been a paper scrapper for over 10 years and have been dying to see what I can get my computer to do for me!

I'm looking forward to being a sponge here and soaking up all of your digi knowledge!


Well-Known Member
It's addictive, Laura! And it's so great to scrap without a mess!!!

Welcome to the O! Make yourself at home!


Well-Known Member
Hi Laura and welcome. :) I'm from No. CA too. I'm right outside Sacramento. Make yourself comfy!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the "O" Laura I agree with Wendy - Scrapping with no mess or little things for my son to get into is Fab :) Can't wait to see your layouts :)


Well-Known Member
Laura!!! What a small world! J-Mac just told me that you bought her word art...and yes, you are my coach! ;) Welcome to digi-scrapping....its highly addictive.

*lol* Hey guess what everyone? Laura is my coach for my marathon!!! Is that cool or what?? I had NO IDEA before 2 seconds ago!


Well-Known Member
Welcome Laura! I am also in Northern Cal. not too far from Kara infact :) Check your PM's for a little welcome goodie ;)


Well-Known Member
Laura!!! What a small world! J-Mac just told me that you bought her word art...and yes, you are my coach! ;) Welcome to digi-scrapping....its highly addictive.

*lol* Hey guess what everyone? Laura is my coach for my marathon!!! Is that cool or what?? I had NO IDEA before 2 seconds ago!

My son was supposed to be running in a half marathon in San Diego next week, but he tweaked his back a few weeks ago, and won't be able to run. I was really hoping to use Jodi's fabulous word art with the photos!! He won't even be doing cross country now this year because of scheduling. I'm so bummed!

Good luck to you Kara!! How fun that she's your coach!!