
NEW AnnaChallenge | Favourite ArtPlay Palette



When I first saw the challenge, I thought, "Oh goodie! I get to do a LO using my favorite new iPhone app, Waterlogue! Then I realized that APP stands for Art Play Palette in the Oscraps/Anna Aspnes World! But I thought I would combine "APPs" !!!

So I used (one of) my favorite Art Play Palettes, Seafoam (100% as it turns out), with my favorite new iPhone app, Waterlogue. The app is applied to a photo of my son with HIS son on his shoulders.

I love how the APP is so watercolory on its own...perfectly complimenting the app.



Well-Known Member
It was so hard to pick an all-time favorite so I picked my current favorite which is APP Go Retro. This is a picture of a family trip from one duty-station to another.
