
Meta is using your posts to train AI


Well-Known Member
Meta’s use of user posts to train AI raises privacy concerns, especially for us digital scrapbookers. Sharing personal layouts on Facebook and Instagram feels nowadays invasive, as these platforms analyze our content to improve algorithms. This unease leads to hesitation in posting, potentially stifling creativity and affecting the digital scrapbooking community. What do you girls do to balance sharing and privacy??


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I had not heard this. Where did you hear it? I'm sure Meta is super invasive and that makes me really leery, but it's hard to balance my need for adult interaction and privacy.


Well-Known Member
I had not heard this. Where did you hear it? I'm sure Meta is super invasive and that makes me really leery, but it's hard to balance my need for adult interaction and privacy.
us Europeans got a message about it because of our more strict privacy rules.


Well-Known Member
I limit what I allow online. I do not use FB as I have felt for years its unsafe. I make sure that anyone who doesn't want to be shown, grands, kids, etc are covered with elements and then save as a single layer file before sharing so its cant be peeled apart. I try to keep my info generic. Most of what I share creatively is here. Not on fb or instagram. I would love to see both of those go away actually. I hate that you cant talk to someone without "on fb I saw" or did you see on fb. No, I dont live on fb and no I am asking you about your life not what you saw on fb. Okay well, can ya tell how I feel? :giggle4: :soapbox:
All that to say, I only share layouts here. I dont share underage people or family who've asked me not to put them online. I keep it as general as I can while still showing me.


Mistress of Mayhem
My 2 cents: all my privacy went out the door in 1994, when I got internet. Since then "Big Brother" has been watching my every move. It's the world we live in, and I've resigned to the fact.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
My 2 cents: all my privacy went out the door in 1994, when I got internet. Since then "Big Brother" has been watching my every move. It's the world we live in, and I've resigned to the fact.
None of us have any privacy anymore. This, however, is a "planned invasion" of our privacy. I've been doing research and as of 6/24 they (Meta) rewrote our "privacy rights" which (probably) nobody even knows about - but it gives them even more power than they already had.

The UK and the EU are fighting this already with their stricter privacy policies, but the US is not.


Well-Known Member
AI has become an invaluable tool in my life,. AI's capacity to generate original watercolor images has revolutionized my art journals, making my creative process more dynamic and inspiring. AI significantly enhances productivity and creativity. Its ability to correct texts has streamlined my writing process, allowing me to focus more on content rather than grammar and style.

Despite these benefits, I can't ignore the ethical concerns and potential unintended consequences of the relentless pursuit of AI advancement. Privacy issues loom large, with worries that my personal texts and images could be analyzed and used without consent.


Well-Known Member
There's no pictures of my family members on the web, they haven't had never fb, insta, etc., there's just few pictures of me in all the whole web, and I do believe they are pretty bad, lol. I use fb but I haven't shared personal pictures never, and I'm paying every singly month around 10 euros to respect my privacy, what I feel like extortion. Instagram hates me and last year I tried to get an account, but they are asking from me to prove that me is really me, and asked from me a copy of my passport or driving license, what I won't accept never, they can keep their instagram, I'm not that crazy yet, lol :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
@pachimac Susie dear those of us who live in Europe were informed by fb, that if we'd not pay 10 euros a month our information would be used for mapping, marketing, marketing studies and many other possible things, the list was so big and in law terms that there were only two possibilities: feel bored of reading all that and simply accept, or feel upset, frustrated and angry and pay, because they also didn't inform us beforehand to be able to delete our information, one day I simply went to loggin, and a very large sign appeared in legal terms with all of this, and if you said I do not accept, they told you to pay to continue, and if you didn't pay, the same sign appeared again, and again telling you that if you accept that your information be used to map all your activities and the activities of other people. close to you, then you can use Facebook for free, so I ended up paying 10 euros, went in and deleted everything that I didn't want to fall into wrong hands, but I don't know if it was really deleted or if it is still saved somewhere, a total rubbish.. What's more, if you use Facebook even if you are not using it, they track you with the help of artificial intelligence and a false window (an electronics engineer explained it to me in recent months, complicated to explain here), the point is that they know every movement, which what you buy, if you pay your bank bills using the computer, who are your friends, relatives, neighbors, what medicines you buy, etc. Here in the spring, we were informed that if you use fb, instagram or any platform you should have a program called fb container, and another program was activated that blocks fb when you are using mozilla. I don't use Google or Yahoo because it's another calamity.
I use fb specially for my CT duties, but lately fb is delaying posting, so although I post some things many times it's not published, until according to "an administrator" checks it, since for some time fb didn't publish anything, to the point that I even had to leave a creative group, I went looking for the "administrator" and I finally found out that the group is public and doesn't need an administrator. Facebook also did the same thing to other ladies if they used stock pics, but fb published them immediately if they used their own photos, weird right?, if they only used previews of kits and templates, like I did too, fb didn't publish that announcement until months later.
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ONA - Administrator
My thoughts are similar to what everyone else here has written. Over the years I posted my layouts with my family only to private FB groups and always had the permission to do so. As my grandchildren have grown into young adults I don't do many pages with them so a couple of years ago I started using stock photos and post to public groups on FB, and only the very occasional layout with my grandchildren to the private ones.

I don't post any personal info on FB or Instagram or personal photos, except for my layouts with stock photos and general photos like the garden or scenery etc. A tactic I often employ is to create a layout with a stock photo and post that on the internet and then change out my layout with photo of one of the grown up grandkids which only they (and their family) will ever get to see. A little bit of extra time is needed but it works for me and the grands love them. :)

While I enjoy working with AI created art, the thought of where AI is going in our day to day life is frightening, but the younger generations, having grown up with technology around them don't seem to be very worried! No doubt a sign of the times, but I guess every generation has thought along these lines to an extent. I can remember in the late 80's when computers were emerging and my then dear mother-in-law being totally confused by the whole concept and totally hating the thought of it all!!

Fast forward into the 90's and I was training people to use computers as their employers were slowly embracing the use of computers in the workplace. I trained them on using the standard of the day, the DOS (Disk Operating System), along with using Floppy Disks etc and software programs like Wordperfect for creating word processing documents. Of course, THEN the advent of the world wide net arrived and I then had to teach people how to use the Windows operating system as well as programs like Microsoft Word, Excel and Access!! lol! So yeah, I am kinda where my MIL was in regards to computers I guess, not understanding everything about AI, but hating the thought of how it might well change the world I know forever.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Back in the dinosaur days when I first started scrapbooking and then went into digi scrapping, I was hesitant to put my children/grandchildren on social media. However, my kids put pictures of their kids all over social media, so I thought "what the heck"? Now my grandchildren put their pictures everywhere so why not? Most of my layouts feature their pictures and I've really gotten over it. I still don't like to post too much personal stuff, like I see other people doing all over social media. I'm sure "they" know where I live, but i don't even have my "real" location or any personal information on social media. I made up a bunch of stuff, too like where I went to University - I put a University in Africa. I just love messing with the algorithms. :lol23::lol23:


The Loopy-O
I agree so much with you all. Even the contradictory opinions because I flip between completely and cynically giving up on any semblance of privacy and wanting to delete all social media accounts.

I use FB mostly for scrapping and the occasional meme. I shared the bridal shower photos but that was more of an exception.
As for my kids' photos, they have been online since digiscrapping became a thing. I don't see any way to put that genie back in the bottle. Not to mention they all have their own photos posted. So it's past any help.
As for AI - I think it can be used as a tool for good stuff, creatively and medically come to mind first. But the info-gathering really sucks.

I'm glad/jealous that the EU is taking it more seriously than the US is (low-bar, corporations truly have almost all the power here, just ask the Supreme Court :( )

As for how to balance the need to be open and creative and nervous about what they will do with your data, I wish I had the answer to that.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
There's no pictures of my family members on the web, they haven't had never fb, insta, etc., there's just few pictures of me in all the whole web, and I do believe they are pretty bad, lol. I use fb but I haven't shared personal pictures never, and I'm paying every singly month around 10 euros to respect my privacy, what I feel like extortion. Instagram hates me and last year I tried to get an account, but they are asking from me to prove that me is really me, and asked from me a copy of my passport or driving license, what I won't accept never, they can keep their instagram, I'm not that crazy yet, lol :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
@pachimac Susie dear those of us who live in Europe were informed by fb, that if we'd not pay 10 euros a month our information would be used for mapping, marketing, marketing studies and many other possible things, the list was so big and in law terms that there were only two possibilities: feel bored of reading all that and simply accept, or feel upset, frustrated and angry and pay, because they also didn't inform us beforehand to be able to delete our information, one day I simply went to loggin, and a very large sign appeared in legal terms with all of this, and if you said I do not accept, they told you to pay to continue, and if you didn't pay, the same sign appeared again, and again telling you that if you accept that your information be used to map all your activities and the activities of other people. close to you, then you can use Facebook for free, so I ended up paying 10 euros, went in and deleted everything that I didn't want to fall into wrong hands, but I don't know if it was really deleted or if it is still saved somewhere, a total rubbish.. What's more, if you use Facebook even if you are not using it, they track you with the help of artificial intelligence and a false window (an electronics engineer explained it to me in recent months, complicated to explain here), the point is that they know every movement, which what you buy, if you pay your bank bills using the computer, who are your friends, relatives, neighbors, what medicines you buy, etc. Here in the spring, we were informed that if you use fb, instagram or any platform you should have a program called fb container, and another program was activated that blocks fb when you are using mozilla. I don't use Google or Yahoo because it's another calamity.
I use fb specially for my CT duties, but lately fb is delaying posting, so although I post some things many times it's not published, until according to "an administrator" checks it, since for some time fb didn't publish anything, to the point that I even had to leave a creative group, I went looking for the "administrator" and I finally found out that the group is public and doesn't need an administrator. Facebook also did the same thing to other ladies if they used stock pics, but fb published them immediately if they used their own photos, weird right?, if they only used previews of kits and templates, like I did too, fb didn't publish that announcement until months later.
Yeah, it sounds like it's a EU thing - you were informed because you have much more stringent laws. All they have to do is update their TOU and if we don;t read it, shame on us. There is no pay option for FB here.


Well-Known Member
Back in the dinosaur days when I first started scrapbooking and then went into digi scrapping, I was hesitant to put my children/grandchildren on social media. However, my kids put pictures of their kids all over social media, so I thought "what the heck"? Now my grandchildren put their pictures everywhere so why not? Most of my layouts feature their pictures and I've really gotten over it. I still don't like to post too much personal stuff, like I see other people doing all over social media. I'm sure "they" know where I live, but i don't even have my "real" location or any personal information on social media. I made up a bunch of stuff, too like where I went to University - I put a University in Africa. I just love messing with the algorithms. :lol23::lol23:
a University in Africa lol :floorlaugh: