
May 2016 Standing O´s

thank you so much chris.
You have to share how you did this, Astrid!!!
Funny, because it was the first time I made an explanation how I did this:
I clipped the the photo in urbanmask 06: http://bit.ly/1RAcxkB.
Under this I placed messy number 09 grunged: http://bit.ly/1RAcXrk.
Also under the photo is magiclight 20: http://bit.ly/1RAd06u and from ABP1 Element 09: http://bit.ly/1RAcx4k.
From the same pack I used elemtent 06 in the right bottom corner of the photo and from loopilaloolzas pack: http://bit.ly/1RAdfOX I used element 04 and 10. At the Alpha I applied the styles. I saved it in 600x600 and after that I put magiclight 04 on top blende mode overlay.