
March Just for Fun Posting Challenge!


The Loopy-O

No,no, no-- its How High Can you Go?

Who is in?
I am at 30,627. My OCD likes round numbers so I am going to try for the next-to-impossible task of 30,900. I was thinking about 31,000 that I realized that was just plain insane!

What is your goal?
And look, here is Dumpty already calling me Crazy!! :rofl:

I guess if the shoes fits, I must wear it.:crazy:
I'm at 17920 so I'll try and reach 18150 ... no too ambitious I know, but it's been a bit tough to find my rythm with the new job so ... I'll stay on the safe side ;)
well, wimpy me is at a measly 325 so I should have a BIG goal....like getting to 500 (actually, my real goal is more like 1,000 but don't tell anyone because 500 is less intimidating. lol!)
Okay I stunk last month. I started this month at 1644 and my goal is to reach 2000 this month! I can do it! Can you people start chatting now :p
Well, I am taking the train!

Let's say I started at 4,500 on the 1st, so I aim at 4.900... but I am quite sure I can do more, specially this month ;)
I think I will try for 19,500.
With a big Birthday Party this month, that should be a piece of cake :bounce:
How's everyone doing ?
I think I might just make my goal this month, with the ParTEA helping ! :)
I knew it would be easy for me this month with the par-tea! I can barely keep up with all of the gallery goodness! My favorite so far are the new avatars! So much fun seeing all those smiling faces with various teacups a teapots atop their heads.
Wooot ! I made my goal !!!! :becky:
(thanks to the party, and the ever-present awesomeness in the gallery)
Ugh, I sucked this month. I do have "only" 20 posts today and under normal circumstances, I could do that. This past month has been nothing of "normal."
I am going to try to get there. I have about 14 hours before I fall asleep!