
Let's Chat!!


always chatty at the O!!
So, about a year ago a few of us ladies would get together at night and do some late night scrap chatting. We would pick a layout and lift it and it was a blast. I used this time to get my challenges done or whatever. Unfortunately the "Chat" here takes down the whole site so I have set up a Yahoo IM to be able to do scrap chatting. This username is:
So get it added ahead of time.

I would like to offer a chat session about once a week to get to know people, hang out with those of you I already know, and especially do some scrapping. I will try and give people a day or two to be ready for it. There are no prizes...this is just for fun.

So, for our first chatting endeavor I am thinking 10:00PM EST on Wednesday. I hope to see some of you there. Should be a lot of fun.
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I lOve Me Some O!
This sounds like a great idea Clara! Adding that username to Yahoo now :D

Maybe this is just the scrap push I need lately! Miss the scrap chats!


Sounds fun - 10PM EST that's 7PM PST right? If so it's perfect - hope to talk to you then!
That's if I can figure out how to do this in Windows 7 - my super-duper new computer arrived on the weekend - challenges are good for one right?



Well-Known Member
I don't have yahoo chat... but I do chat on MSN messenger... Is there anyway I can connect from MSN?


Well-Known Member
I don't have yahoo chat... but I do chat on MSN messenger... Is there anyway I can connect from MSN?

They don't cross over, but if you have a yahoo username you already have a username for yahoo chat. On PC, the yahoo chat client is annoying in my opinion... but there's secondary clients like Trillian that allow you to connect to Yahoo, MSN, AIM, etc at once. On Mac, I use iChat now that they support Yahoo with Lion OS... before I used Adium, which I still have to use for conferences.

My yahoo account just recently went nuts and I lost random things like my yahoo connection between flickr & facebook, some of my chat contacts, all of my personalizations on the yahoo pages, etc. I still don't know why it happened & what all happened :(


...loves her some "O"
This would be the perfect launch for me to get back to my scrappin'!!! Now, Clara, you may need to call me in case I'm sitting in my craft studio sewing!!!! :) (I love that you can call me...just sayin'!!)

YAY!!!!! thanks for this, babe!! :)


always chatty at the O!!
AWesomeness!! If I don't see you at 10:00 Sal I am sooooooooooooo calling you. 9 your time.

Terra, I hope you get it worked out.


always chatty at the O!!
Is it time to chat yet? Nope...2 more hours. Can't wait to see some of you in a little while.


always chatty at the O!!
Terra I don't see you on there. I have your log-in and you asked to be invited but you're not showing online.


...loves her some "O"
am i not showing up either? I just upgraded my yahoo a couple of days ago and now it doesn't seem to be on????


always chatty at the O!!
Chatting was a blast. Go to know a few new ladies and we created some awesome pages. Here's what we lifted:

and here are some pages...

by Terra

by Meg

by Sally - welcome back to digiland

by Trudy

This was a blast and I hope to see some of you next week too. Make sure to add me as a Yahoo friend: oscrapschat

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Now how did I totally miss this chat, this thread, this much fun???!

Wonderful LOs girls - which I, too, slept though.