
Just for fun posting challenge- August Edition


Well-Known Member
Well...I have not been in here for a long time...because I don't know when I can actually spend enough time online to set/make goals.....but I did want to come and very shamefully pimp my new number :rofl:<div><br></div><div>Ellen so kindly pointed out that I was a huge blabbermouth and that my blingy little number had rolled over to the next milestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &nbsp;Thanks Ellen...I think...:pound:I am now over 21,000 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!


Well-Known Member
will I ever catch up with Linda?? 21.000 (do you think she's grown up now?)

I've reached my second goal for this month so the rest of this week will be a bonus.See if I can make it to 3300 , but I'm the quiet one here.
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Well-Known Member
Girls... So far my numbers are sad.... My goal is 200 posts this month. Gulp I don't know with getting things winded down for the summer it's pretty hard to find the time!!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Queeeeeen Nana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jen, I hear ya on trying to find the time, but I know you'll get there. I still have almost 100 more to go for my second goal, and 6 more days...

But we can DO IT!!! :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
Eeeeeeee Chris I love that cheerleader smiley!!!!!!!! I have almost 100 posts in 4 days I think sooooo I have a week to reach my goal!!! So very possible I think:)

Isn't the whole school thin crazy? I have 7 kids going and I am going to go insane I'm sure of it! I HATE SHOPPING!!!!!!'


Mistress of Mayhem
Jen, if you don't write your answer in the box at the bottom of the page and instead click on Post Reply or Go Advanced button, you will come to another page were you can type your answer. And there on the right side you see more smileys ... and if you click [More] you'll find more ... even :whip:


Well-Known Member
136 posts to go! I so had this month's goal...until I lost 8 days of internet! Oh well, we will see how far I can get...and then, there's always next month!


Well-Known Member
What choo talkin bout girls??? I have been a QUEEN for over three thousand posts now!!! :blabla:


Oh and a drama queen for a lot longer!!! :rofl:


I dug these up:
0 - 99 "Only just got here"
100 - 249 "Occasionally passes by"
250 - 499 "On my way"
500 - 999 "Outta this world"
1000 - 1649 "Official occupant"
1650 - 2549 "Occasionally logs off"
2550 - 3799 "Obviously obsessed"
3800 - 5299 "O is my home"
5300 - 7999 "Off the hooK "
8000 - 12,999 "Ozone's official praise mama"
13,000 - 17,999 "Ozone's official oracle"
18,000 - 24,999 "Ozone's official praise queen"
25,000+ "Ozone's one in a milliOn"


Well-Known Member
We need to watch Chris' number...she will be reaching the ONE IN A MILLION very very soon.....another party!! Only our 2nd one!!!!! (LindaS being our very first :love:)


Mistress of Mayhem
Wow - after this I have only 107 posts until O is my home. And here I thought it already was ....


The Loopy-O
Eva's a squatter :D

(Do you have that term in Sweden? Where you live somewhere usually vacant or abandoned if you are hOmeless, you are "squatting" and called a squatter? )

Lookeeeee! I made it to my second goal!!

How is everyone doing? One more day!


Mistress of Mayhem
It's "husockupant" in Swedish. Now I want you Chris to pronounce that and e-mail me the mp3-file LOL


Well-Known Member
Well, don't think I'll make my goal this month...stupid internet provider! But, it will be an easy one to reach next month!