
Just for fun posting challenge- August Edition


lOve the O!
So a new month has started already- time flies when you are having fun! I am starting this month at 14,041 and I am going to head for 14,300- I love being inspired in the gallery and plan to leave a lot of love there to increase my post.

Any one want to join me?


The Loopy-O
I barely squeaked past my July goal. It was a rough month, but will August be any better/calmer? I sure hope so. I am accepting your challenge, Ms. Laurie. Let em see where I am at and try to figure out what my goal will be.




The Loopy-O
I am at 24,302...... I am going to go for a small goal of 24,500. If I can get it together and pass that one, I'll make a new goal at that time.


Well-Known Member
I'm here with ya Laurie and Chris! Going for 4800, not overly aggressive, but steady eddy :)


Have no idea where I am (as to no. Of posts) :)
But with all the new beauty in the gallery should be aiming for......


Well-Known Member
Ok....sure didn't make it on July goal. And I'm thinking August could be even crazier! What is my count?


Well-Known Member
Ok...I'm at 25,720. I'm going after 26,000 again! (And going to try to keep from going after it yet again in September.)


Mistress of Mayhem
I didn't make my goal last month ... or the month before that ... I'm going to play it safe this month ... going for 3600 :)


Well-Known Member
im actually gonna jump on this time around since summer is coming to an end i'll have plenty of time for posting/scrapping whilst the kiddos are in school SOOOOO lets see im starting at..........


Well-Known Member
2179...i think i can make to at least 2300....thats 121 posts....and yeah...should be feasible...considering i'll hve no kids in the house haha..dunno how much housework i'll get done!!!


Well-Known Member
OK...I'm going to try this month. July was incredibly hard on me so I got next to nothing. Let's see where I am...


Well-Known Member
I've never played this one .. knowing myself and my non existing new years resolutions I'm at 2728 at the moment

lets aim for 3000.

this is 1 done:rofl: