
It's all about documenting life

Lynn Grieveson

Rachel and I have a new kit in store as part of this month's ColorPlay: ‘Noted’ is a brand new collection which harks back to the roots of scrapbooking and documenting everyday life and moments but with a Mixed Media Twist.

It’s for the inquisitive, the book lovers, it’s for the learners and for those who value documenting. If it’s important for you to document your past, your present, and all of those little details, you might like to take a peek at ‘Noted’.


This large kit is packed full of neutral coloured papers and lots of useful elements for recording the details. It’s ‘back to basics’ but still with an artistic twist.

It's perfect for digiscrapbooking layouts recording everyday life, and also for printing out and using for paper projects
Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 11.06.37 AM.png

Some great pages by Rachel:


And here's how I used it for my family photobooks:

Because it's ColorPlay weekend, it's at a special low, low price. You can find it HERE <—— click to see in store

Thanks for reading :)
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Well-Known Member
I love it too.. It really is so versatile and perfect for scrapping the "everydays" !!!

Here is my page using it:
