
Is this truly how it is "Down Under"?


Jenn :)
Or should I say "Undah"? lol I LOVE the Austrailian accent...it IS my favorite :lovey3: I just saw this reel on IG and I would be very happy with the koala, snake (as long as not vene=omous), and wombat :love: That bird is too spicey, and I have read that kangaroos can be, as well...LOL

*edited to add, I was going to fix my typos, but I AM holding Snickerdoodle the snake, so I will leave them...LOL GO SNAKES!! :heartpumpred::beatingheart::heartpumpred:

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:lol: Kangeroos and the small wallabies can be seen hopping around some streets in some towns, and it it mostly in the outer suburbs where there is still some vegetation around so they can go and eat some grass. :) You wouldn't see that in major cities unless someone has any illegally and they escaped the owner's location.

Snakes, well the one in the vid looks to be tree snake and while some might bite if they frightened, for the most part they are quite friendly if you approach them quietly and they are not venomous. The ones to look out for are the red belly black which can be venomous but in actual fact are good to keep around, as they will attack and kill the more aggressive brown snakes which are highly venomous. Down in Tas we have Tiger snakes of which I haven't seen one as yet in 6 years we have been here. Up on the mainland on our old rural property, we used to have a big ol' black snake that lived under a big rock out the front, our agreement was that we wouldn't go near it and it wouldn't come near us in the house! We lived there for 21 years and both of us kept to our agreement! :giggle4:
The koala in the vid, I would say that it had been in one of gum trees around the house somewhere and it just decided to pop in and have a look around. They are not as cute and friendly as they look though as they have very sharp biggish claws (to climb trees) so I would have just chucked a thick blanket over the top him/her and gathered it up and taken it outside and set free near a gum tree.

LOL! the wombat........ ahh yes, my fave little animal. :giggle4: They are more prevalent down in the southern part of Australia and we have them here in Tasmania. The one in the vid looks like one that has been living with humans...... some people take them in to look after them after their mother has been killed by a car and they raise them, like you would for a dog or cat, and they are either released back into the wild or are kept as a pet but I think you have to get special permission to do the latter.

So yeah, while we have some dangerous little critters, I would much rather deal with one of the above than meet a big ol' grizzy bear while going for walk in the woods on summer's day!! :giggle4::giggle4::giggle4:
Oh the magpies! lol! that only happens during the mating/rearing season and only if said bird has a nest up in the trees close by. Aussies are very inventive at times, and before helmets were mandatory to wear, people would ride around on their bikes wearing an empty ice cream container with two big eyes painted/drawn on the back them to scare the maggies away! that was hilarious to see! But I personally haven't seen anyone, kids included, screaming like the one in the video! lol!

Maggies are generally very well behaved, smart and friendly and my late mother-in-law used to have one that flew down to her back door every morning, sit on the top step to sing her a song and then wait for MIL to come out give it a piece meat of some sort. Maggie would then give her another little song and would then fly away but would be back the next morning! This went on for 4 -5 years and then it just didn't appear one morning and MIL was so sad about that. :(
I would love it if there was a Skippy hopping around in our garden, a koala living in our big oak tree and a wombat living by our pond. I don't need snakes!! Add to that a capybara with a baby and I would feel like I was in paradise.
The dachshunds have to compensate for everything and so they get new nicknames every day. :lol23:It's so nice that you were able to share your living space with a snake. It must have something to do with respect and tolerance.
What a heartwarming story about Maggie. :heartpumppink:When do you stop asking yourself what happened to her and why she suddenly stopped coming? You don't want to believe the most obvious thing.
A bittersweet story. And you experience it so often with animals.
Magpies can be mean little … (ahems) but to be fair, just very protective parents!

We lived in Canberra and Sydney (inner city) and never saw roos or koalas or wombats around our streets - snakes in the garden in Canberra though. And I am very glad to no longer have to worry about poisonous spiders now I am in NZ!
@wombat146 Awww, that is so sad that the magpie suddenly stopped coming! :brokenheart: And that is cool that you guys had a snake out there that lived so long! We have rat snakes and king snakes here that are wonderful to have around, especially the king snakes because they can eat the venmous rattle snakes :lovey3: We've had a few rat snakes show up inside our house, specifically in the hallway, and sometimes up in the attic...you can hear them slithering around above the ceiling...as long as they are helping by killing mice, I am cool with them being here :giggle4:

@Lynn Grieveson oh yes, I forgot about the spiders!!! I have seen videos of them flying through the air...terrifying!!!!! :wardrobehide:
@wombat146 Awww, that is so sad that the magpie suddenly stopped coming! :brokenheart: And that is cool that you guys had a snake out there that lived so long! We have rat snakes and king snakes here that are wonderful to have around, especially the king snakes because they can eat the venmous rattle snakes :lovey3: We've had a few rat snakes show up inside our house, specifically in the hallway, and sometimes up in the attic...you can hear them slithering around above the ceiling...as long as they are helping by killing mice, I am cool with them being here :giggle4:

@Lynn Grieveson oh yes, I forgot about the spiders!!! I have seen videos of them flying through the air...terrifying!!!!! :wardrobehide:
And here I have another reason why I am glad to have a large pond between us. :rolleyes: Not only do you carry strange things in your car, but you also have an affinity for snakes... :eek2:Ever since I discovered the skin of a snake in a stable, I have been cautious even in our latitudes! The skin was huge!!! I no longer live near a stable. I prefer to watch deer and small foxes!
Here in my little Sydney suburb I only get birds and skinks in the garden. The maggies in my yard are all friendly, they just warble and don't swoop.
I haven't seen a snake in the yard yet, but they definitely are around in the surrounding bushland.
And a few times we've seen an echidna next to the road. The other day all traffic into an out of the local shopping centre was at a standstill as someone had stopped to help an echidna out of the road to the adjoining bushland. Just another day in Aus. Lol.
Apparently there was a confused little wallaby hopping around the other side of the suburb before Christmas. He must have escaped from the bush and couldn't find his way back. I haven't heard what's happened to it, but I'm hoping the wildlife carers found him and took him back home.
No koalas or wombats here though.