
Is Anyone Doing Project 365?


Well-Known Member
I am doing 365 again this year. I fell off the wagon in March, so I have higher hopes for this year. I am going to post them to my facebook in a 365 album with a little caption. Maybe I will keep up with it better.


Well-Known Member
Wow! You're doing great things ladies! I know I can't make a P365, but I'll probably try a P52.


lOve the O!
I managed to update flickr and my blogs today- go me! Not sure what will happen with picture posting once work starts tomorrow- do my best!


Well-Known Member
I am going to do create a monthly layout instead of daily or weekly.
I know I can manage that much :)


Well-Known Member
I saw your posts on Flicker today Laurie! Yay, you go girl. I know what you mean about going back to work tomorrow..... hang on tight, it's going to get bumpy:)


Well-Known Member
I am going to attempt to finish P365 this year. Last year was BUMPY and life got in the way..but I am determined to push through this year! I am also aiming HIGH and am going to try and do P52 concentrating solely on my DD and DS. One photo of each of them, once a week. I am excited to see the results of that one! I will actually be able to "see" them grow!


Well-Known Member
I think I'm trying this as a 52 week challenge. With no kids and no pets these days, I think 365 would be next to impossible for me, but I am hoping it will encourage me to take more photos again.


Active Member
I'm new here but I'm also doing the 365. It'll be my first time attempting this. I don't know why I waited so long.. I love photography. It'll be an interesting journey!


Well-Known Member
Tina - That's a great idea to do a layout each month. I will try to do one for each day and see how long I can keep it up. :)

Leiks - I saw your photos on your blog! They are stunning!! :)

LadyK - It's so great to have you here with us! I'm sure P365 will be a fun experience for you seeing how you love photography. :)


Well-Known Member
I tried to do it this year...love the concept but UGH I got sick and that was that. I think I like the idea of the 52 week challenge or maybe I will call it Kat's random moments and just do whatever I can **


Well-Known Member
Diane - Oh my word!!! I never saw that layout before now!! That is sooooo FABULOUS! I love the word art.....love the creativity!! :)


Well-Known Member
Diane - I love your layout!!! :)

Kat - "...or maybe I will call it Kat's random moments and just do whatever I can ** " Love this idea! :)

Helen - Me too, me too! I want to join your P52 group!:D


Well-Known Member
I've managed to keep up with the photo a day...have only uploaded one. I am using the Point and Shoot to keep those photos flowing...but may need to look into P52 for my photography challenges!


Well-Known Member
Yay!!!!!!!!!! I love seeing this excitement for the start of this new year!!

I am doing P52 too....Just don't have the time with P365.


Well-Known Member
i thought to give it a try this year and started already...though i am not sure if i can do it each day....