
Is Anyone Doing Project 365?


Well-Known Member
I am doing Project 365 this year and just want to know if anyone else is doing it too? If not, do you know a support group that I can join to exchange ideas with and help me stay motivated? Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
Che I just completed 223 photos for 2009 P365. It was a big undertaking but I am thrilled with my results (as my Los this week have shown)

I can't do it again but don't want to give up completely.

So my photo challenge group and I are thinking of setting up a P52 group.

One of my jobs today.

So keep your eye on our forum HERE and if you are interested let me know.


Well-Known Member
I am going to do P365 this year. Last year I made a month...and then life got in the way. My aim is to improve on that. *lol*


lOve the O!
I like the idea of starting P365- again, knowing that at the very least I will have a P52!


Well-Known Member
Linda - Thank you! I have bookmark that link and will definitely check it out! :)

Helen - I didn't know that you did P365. That is awesome! Your photos in the gallery are always beautiful. Now what is P52? You take one photo per week? I would love to know more about this. I'm bookmarking your link right now. :)

Kara - That's exactly what I'm afraid of that I will do it for just a month or two then quit. I'm glad you haven't given up and are trying again this year. :)

LaurieW - That's a wonderful idea! Now I won't stress over P365 anymore because if I fall short I will have a P52! :)

LindaPete - That is awesome! It's exactly what I'm looking for! I'll be visiting your blog after this! :)


I am doing Project 365 this year. (I actually started a few days early.) I am keeping all of the pictures on a blog and I am posting them on flickr.


Well-Known Member
I started it last year and didn't finish. I'm a perfectionist by nature and so, if something goes wrong, I quit. I'm determined not to quit this time. And I know that life will get in the way...but that's part of it. I started again yesterday...although I think P52 is probably much more realistic for me!


Well-Known Member
I must be a little dumb, but I still didn't get all this concept of 365 or 52...the why and what and for what....the main thing is to take just a picture everyday or one a week? and then what? for my life I don't really get it! I know I am missing something because so many people do or want to do it...can somebody in plain simply English explain that to me for once and all, please! I feel so stupid not really getting it!


lOve the O!
I believe it is to document a year of your life- not necessarily to take awesome photos, but to show the everyday stuff- morning coffee, commute to work, things you like to do, details, not to make a fancy scrapbook, but an ordinary life journal so to speak. Does this help?


Well-Known Member
I believe it is to document a year of your life- not necessarily to take awesome photos, but to show the everyday stuff- morning coffee, commute to work, things you like to do, details, not to make a fancy scrapbook, but an ordinary life journal so to speak. Does this help?

but you do scrap the photos, yes?


lOve the O!
You can- I start out scrapping and then life has gotten in the way- I also find it difficult to take daily photos in the cold dark winter here. It originally started as a paper scrap idea and digi scappers joined on board with kits and then it became less simple, whereas with paper scrap and the original kit from creating keepsakes last year- far less choices which meant it would more likely be completed.


Well-Known Member
I am starting too, I hope it's going to be a 365, but it will probably end up as a 52 (best case scenario LOL)


Well-Known Member
I started it last year and didn't finish. I'm a perfectionist by nature and so, if something goes wrong, I quit. I'm determined not to quit this time. And I know that life will get in the way...but that's part of it. I started again yesterday...although I think P52 is probably much more realistic for me!

I'm glad that you decided to give it another try. Saw your picture on Liz's flickr group and it is beautiful! :)


Well-Known Member
I must be a little dumb, but I still didn't get all this concept of 365 or 52...the why and what and for what....the main thing is to take just a picture everyday or one a week? and then what? for my life I don't really get it! I know I am missing something because so many people do or want to do it...can somebody in plain simply English explain that to me for once and all, please! I feel so stupid not really getting it!

Oh Yam you are not dumb at all. In truth I don't even know of the origins of P365 but I like the idea of documenting my every day life. Letting the pictures tell the story since I am not good at journaling. As I was doing my year in review layout for the Designer Spotlight Challenge this week, I realized that I did such a poor job of documenting our whole life in 2009. There are months like February and June when I think back and it's just blank. I have no recollection of what happened. My hope with P365 is that I will be able to capture a whole day in 1 photo and when I look at the photo I will remember what happened that day. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh Yam you are not dumb at all. In truth I don't even know of the origins of P365 but I like the idea of documenting my every day life. Letting the pictures tell the story since I am not good at journaling. As I was doing my year in review layout for the Designer Spotlight Challenge this week, I realized that I did such a poor job of documenting our whole life in 2009. There are months like February and June when I think back and it's just blank. I have no recollection of what happened. My hope with P365 is that I will be able to capture a whole day in 1 photo and when I look at the photo I will remember what happened that day. :)

Fabulous explanation Che. I think the proof does come at the end of the year when you get to look back on so many wonderful memories. I was testimony to that this past week with all those review pages I did *ahem*:oops:

But apart from documenting the everyday Yam, one of the key concepts of P365 or P52 is to encourage people to purposefully get their camera out on a regular basis.


The Loopy-O
I just signed up for your Flickr Group Linda P. 2 photos down, 353 to go ROTF!

I posted this on my P365 blog: http://faerywingsproject365.wordpress.com/
Yes, I am going to try this again. Let’s see if I can get farther along in the year than I did last time.
I got a new photography book for Christmas and I really really want to get to work on improving my eye. And even if I take a year full of silly photos, it will be all good memories. How many people can say that they have pictures of liberated bananas? Or Anti-terrorist terrorist hats?
Anyone? Beuller?
If I make this fun, and remember the motto- No Stress! I should do ok.
Hope that you’ll follow along with me through this upcoming year. Should be interesting, if nothing else.

For me, I want to make this a chance to get using my camera- for all sorts of things- improving my techniques, as well as using the camera to document every day life. Big and little- b/c that is what each day and each life consists of.



The Loopy-O
Oh and I did scrap some of them, at least in January when I was still going strong. I scrapped each week, then the whole month. I had found some templates and that made it really easy.


Well-Known Member
I just signed up for your Flickr Group Linda P. 2 photos down, 353 to go ROTF!

I posted this on my P365 blog: http://faerywingsproject365.wordpress.com/

For me, I want to make this a chance to get using my camera- for all sorts of things- improving my techniques, as well as using the camera to document every day life. Big and little- b/c that is what each day and each life consists of.


Yay Chris - I saw your photos there this morning when I logged in!


Well-Known Member
Oh Yam you are not dumb at all. In truth I don't even know of the origins of P365 but I like the idea of documenting my every day life. Letting the pictures tell the story since I am not good at journaling. As I was doing my year in review layout for the Designer Spotlight Challenge this week, I realized that I did such a poor job of documenting our whole life in 2009. There are months like February and June when I think back and it's just blank. I have no recollection of what happened. My hope with P365 is that I will be able to capture a whole day in 1 photo and when I look at the photo I will remember what happened that day. :)

Che, this is a wonderful explanation! Yes, true, we do forget very quickly! but, why photos and not journaling? it's not just a Diary? I am very strong on Journaling.........


Well-Known Member
Yam - I so envy you! I wish I could say I'm strong on journaling like you. :)

Chris - I saw your photos too! Gorgeous!! Though my camera is not a fancy one (still saving for a REAL camera :)), it wouldn't hurt me to learn more about it or at the least improve my techniques like you.

Helen - Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!!! There's no need to be embarrassed that you mentioned them again. They really inspire me and make me look forward to P365 even more! :D

Marto_gal - I'm glad you're giving P365 another try. I know this is only the 3rd day but so far I love it! :D

Wia - Shoot for the star and hit the moon is not too bad! :D (Confucius quote?) :)
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