
introducing the paislee press creative team


Well-Known Member
The time has come for me to reveal the results of my ct call. Before posting the new team though, I really want to thank everyone that took the time to apply for the call, I am forever grateful to you guys!!!

without further ado..........

please help me welcome..........

the 2009 creative team for paislee press



Well-Known Member
YAY!!! So happy to see so many of my favourite artists listed!!! Great choices, Liz!

Congratulations, girls! Can't wait to see the fabulous pages you create!
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Well-Known Member
Woohoo!! Congrats ladies! I recognize most of your names...I believe I have several of your layouts in my favorites folder :).


Well-Known Member
Congrats ladies! And I recognize some names there that I think will be wonderful CT members...can't wait to see those layouts!