
I apologize,


Well-Known Member
I apologize, and I am also really thankful.
let me explain this

I am browsing the home page of the gallery once a day ( or twice, maybe) It might not be enough you gals are SO creative.

Sometimes, like this morning, I feel i need to go here and there, from an LO to the girl's gallery, and then to the designer one... often ending in some challenge gallery ... Well I offer myself a journey in your life....

And I love love it!

Girls you are amazing!!!!

I am thankful to all of you O girls. You are so O-creative and your Layout are so O-some.( and I apologize because I, obviously, am not going there often enough to see all of your stuff.... I missed so much of them)

-- Just adding a line for our O-designers ... You rock girls... your supplies are fab, and give so much inspiration to all of us!

-- and one for Vicki who made all this possible.

I felt, that i had to tell you this ...Thanks you and I love you gals!!


Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
This is such a lovely post. Thank you Val for reminding us that these are sentiments I'm sure we all feel and should express more often.


The Loopy-O
No need to apologize!!
And that was so swet of you- the O-Gallery just rocks with talent and creativity.
I tend to become very intimidated there on occasion too LOL


Well-Known Member
Oh Val...how kind of you to post this. I hope that you know how much that means. Thanks very much!


Well-Known Member
Aw Val, thank you so much for your post! We love having each and every one of you here at the O and take our inspiration from all of you!!


Well-Known Member
{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} Could you be any sweeter?!? :D Thanks for the beautiful post! I absolutely love it here as well and I know exactly where you're coming from. This store and gallery friggin' rocks!! :D


Aaaaaaaaw! *sniff, sniff* Thank YOU and everyone for making this place better than I ever dreamed!

danger girl

Well-Known Member
This place is O-some! There is so much talent here, in the gallery and in the shop. But more importantly there are truly wonderful people here.

Thank you so much Vicki for creating a hOme for us! And thanks to the cheery-Os for being so kind and motivating and supportive and so gosh-darn inspiring and O-some!


back hOme and loving it
Val .... t'assures !
thanks a lot for your sweet message, girl
and you're right : that gallery is totally awesome :)