
I am going to need some Sanity Vibes today- anyone have extra?


The Loopy-O
I know it's a tough ask, Sanity Vibes can be in short supply these days. But I'm asking just in case you have a little leftover that you won't be needing today. :praying2:

Quick rundown:
I have a new-ish job at an ecology center. We run school field trips which I have been doing for a few weeks. I help out mostly doing Stream Study which I love. So far, I'm all good.
Today we are having a group of 80 6th graders. Still all good.
Here's the catch--- one of the staff called in sick so I am on the schedule to lead the Stream rotation. OK, I'm ready, I got this. I've led parts of the rotation but never as a The Lead. However, there are two *small* possible glitches... The person I am working with is new. Never met him/her. So here is me-- pretty new, leading 6th graders in the stream (they always end up "falling in" so yup, literally in the stream), with someone whom I don't know if they have ever done this before.
I'm still pretty confident I can do this. It might not be perfect but they'll have fun.
However--the final catch is that were are supposed to have T-storms this morning. That means we might end up being inside the main building for some/part/all of the day. The main building has 2 small classrooms downstairs and one one upstairs. Sooooo- how do you run a stream study inside? For 80 kids?

So there you have it. I need some Sanity Vibes, please.
(or send :wine4: )



Well-Known Member
Chris, I can see that you definitely do need some sanity vibes.... I will send some off to you from here Down Under but they may not get to you in time. :runningdog:
Seriously, I hope all ends up going well for you.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a tough ask, Sanity Vibes can be in short supply these days. But I'm asking just in case you have a little leftover that you won't be needing today. :praying2:

Quick rundown:
I have a new-ish job at an ecology center. We run school field trips which I have been doing for a few weeks. I help out mostly doing Stream Study which I love. So far, I'm all good.
Today we are having a group of 80 6th graders. Still all good.
Here's the catch--- one of the staff called in sick so I am on the schedule to lead the Stream rotation. OK, I'm ready, I got this. I've led parts of the rotation but never as a The Lead. However, there are two *small* possible glitches... The person I am working with is new. Never met him/her. So here is me-- pretty new, leading 6th graders in the stream (they always end up "falling in" so yup, literally in the stream), with someone whom I don't know if they have ever done this before.
I'm still pretty confident I can do this. It might not be perfect but they'll have fun.
However--the final catch is that were are supposed to have T-storms this morning. That means we might end up being inside the main building for some/part/all of the day. The main building has 2 small classrooms downstairs and one one upstairs. Sooooo- how do you run a stream study inside? For 80 kids?

So there you have it. I need some Sanity Vibes, please.
(or send :wine4: )

Oh, girlfriend, you've got this! I don't know about sanity vibes, I'm a quart low on those myself. It sounds like the job I had for 35 years, but you are strong (cue "I Am Woman"), smart, and a little cray, cray, but that will help you relate to 6th graders. I just hope you get chaperones and teachers who are engaged in what you are doing instead of disengaged screen faces, that makes all the difference. No thunderstorms would certainly make the day feel less overwhelming, but you can do this. I believe in YOU!


Well-Known Member
Hope all goes well!

I'm going to have two of my grandkids for two nights, ages 3 and 5. If you have any extra energy, send it my way, lol.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu


Well-Known Member
No help here, I've lost my sanity a long long time ago. I did search, but haven't been able to find it.
Perhaps you can stream some music when you're stuck inside. The kids can do a crazy dance or so :girldance::boydance::upsidedownbanana::strawberry::banana6::banana7:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I don't have much left, but what teeny tiny bit I do have (still not sure) I'll gladly share with you. You got this, girl! :bowdown2:


The Loopy-O
You are all amazing, the Sanity Vibes worked! The kids made it back on the school buses in one piece, albeit wet and muddy. And I made it home in one piece, albeit with a very hoarse voice.
The staff got a lot of positive feedback from the teachers and chaperones which made it all worthwhile.
We weren't sure what was going to happen since the day got off to a stormy start. As in there was a tornado in my town at 8 am and the center is in the town below mine. :eek: Thankfully, it was *only* thunder and lightning there. For the first two hours, we were inside but as soon as the 25-minute post-last thunder mark, we were outta there!

I led 4 rotations for the Stream Study and that's a lot. The person I was working with turned out to be a guy, a summer intern. First day on the job. There is nothing like getting tossed into the fire on your first day. My first day working there was a doozy. I am starting to wonder if our Director does that on purpose to see if we will come back for a second day. :rotfl:

Thanks again for the good thoughts.
NOT the ketchup. *wink*