
How to Make Ripped Edges in Photoshop?


The World Needs Love, ❤️ Not Hate. Be a Lover.
I have had occasion in the past few months to need a ripped edge and I don't have any in my stash that worked. I checked out the blog and didn't see a tutorial anywhere. Can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to make them myself?
I’ll do a tutorial, but if you take a look through my shop, I have at least several torn paper masks with my other mask products, Feel free to grab them: mask products
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Susie, here are a few templates for making curling over torn edges with a white edge and shadows

These are by Manu Design Studio:
Ripped paper template 1
Ripped paper template 2
Ripped paper template 3

You can use them for whole sheets of paper.
I have cropped the template to the size I want so that only one edge is torn.
Note these have separate templates for paper, edges, and shadows and all of them need to cropped the same.
The easiest way to do this is to use a whole paper with the template then move it as a single layer
to a blank page and then do the crop.

Template 3-1 has the center of a paper torn away... you could crop either top or bottom to make bordered torn edges.

manu_ripped_pp_templ_3-pp1 small.jpg
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I’ll do a tutorial, but if you take a look through my shop, I have at least several torn paper masks with my other mask products, Feel free to grab them: mask products
Oh thank you so much, Vicki!!!! I look forward to the tutorial! I’ll check out your products too!
Susie, here are a few templates for making curling over torn edges with a white edge and shadows

These are by Manu Design Studio:
Ripped paper template 1
Ripped paper template 2
Ripped paper template 3

You can use them for whole sheets of paper.
I have cropped the template to the size I want so that only one edge is torn.
Note these have separate templates for paper, edges, and shadows and all of them need to cropped the same.
The easiest way to do this is to use a whole paper with the template then move it as a single layer
to a blank page and then do the crop.

Template 3-1 has the center of a paper torn away... you could crop either top or bottom to make bordered torn edges.

View attachment 385333
Those are really good torn paper templates. I use them quite a bit.