
How much time...


Well-Known Member
Do you spend scrapping and or reading the forums and other digi-scrap related activities in a day? week? month? Just another curious question :).
I probably log about 5hrs a day during the week and 15-20 more hrs on the weekends. Luckily, my kids are grown so I'm not neglecting them...DH watches tv or sleeps so I'm not neglecting him although he'd sometimes like me to sit on the couch and stare at the box with him (I can only watch so many stupid shows...I mean mechanic shows, bull-dozing, etc boooring!).

DH says I spend way too much time on my scrapping, LOL. But I'd rather be doing this than watching tv like him, or eating! I usually start soon as I get home in the afternoon by checking my email...then checking the O...then my CT forums...and DST and other sites I am obsessed with. I usually have a layout in progress during this time and occasionally I will go back and forth working on it. A lot of nights I find myself still at this until after 10! Then on the weekends starting Friday night sometimes I am up until 3am LOL and back up at 8 or 9 doing it all over again. Weekdays I take my shower, get Davy out of his cage, feed all of my animals, then plop in front of the puter until 7:30am(if I'm lucky, lots of times I find myself still on here at 7:50) then out of the house to work. I even think about scrapping and my O-fam at work LOL! Sometimes in between patients I sketch layouts!

I actually have to force myself sometimes to get up and go into the living room with DH to watch a movie or something. In the past I would buy tons of magazines like Glamour, Cosmo, Marie Claire, Redbook, LHG, etc etc etc and read those in the evenings. Now I buy maybe 1-2 mags a month and have to take them to work and read during lunch! And books...I barely read any at all anymore! During my scrapping time I play with Davy off and on because I let him out for several hours in the evening and for an hour in the mornings.

Soooo, do you feel you are wasting time? Do you feel it is totally worth the time you spend on it? I feel it is a part of who I am, I am creating art which I've always wanted to do, I'm putting my feelings onto my pages which is therapeutic. I don't think I am wasting time. I do feel guilty sometimes though. I still get out and do things with DH, DD, and friends though. I need more hours in the week! LOL.

Please, share your thoughts!
LOL! This is so funny you brought this up. I was thinking today about how much time I spend on the computer doing scrap stuff.

I know I spend way too much time on here but, can not bring myself to step away. I LOVE being active in the forums, scrapping and seeing what is new in the shops.

I have about 6 shops/communities that I post regularly at so it keeps me very busy.

I think (and I only admit this cuz DH doesn't read these posts) that I spend about 8 hours at least per day in front of my laptop doing some form of scrap stuff. 7 days a week. If I am away from my computer, I miss it. I can not wait to get back online and see what happened while I was away.

I too, agree with you on the point that this is part of who I am. I am a very creative person and this is a total release of that energy for me. It gives me my "fix". And because of the digi scrap community, I have been able to begin writing again as well. I have always loved to write so, I feel that this "hobby" has opened up some parts of me that were lost.

My children are 18, 16 and 12 so I don't neglect them. In fact, we all have our own laptops so, we just hang out together in the living room, staring at our puters, doing our own things but still together. I love it cuz they are here with me all the time!

I am somewhat agoraphobic too so, I love having friends in digi land and don't have to leave home. It helps me stay social.......although, DH thinks I still need to get out of the house. But, I am happiest right here.....ALL DAY! :p

I think we need a digi-scrap anonymous group!
I am scrapping to leave my little one a legacy - so it's a hobby/memory maker all in one :) To leave him with memories of his life for when he's older and can't remember. No matter what he can say he was loved :)

My little one comes first....if he wants/needs me I am gone (from digi land). Whenever there is a family moment I am there. No point in scrapping if I am missing the moments :) However I am like you....at night after DS is asleep and hubby is watching shows not my style I will surf and scrap or read :)
I am somewhat agoraphobic too so, I love having friends in digi land and don't have to leave home. It helps me stay social.......although, DH thinks I still need to get out of the house. But, I am happiest right here.....ALL DAY! :p

I think we need a digi-scrap anonymous group!

LOL, I agree we need a group! That way we could hang out and chit chat even more :).
I am scrapping to leave my little one a legacy - so it's a hobby/memory maker all in one :) To leave him with memories of his life for when he's older and can't remember. No matter what he can say he was loved :)

My little one comes first....if he wants/needs me I am gone (from digi land). Whenever there is a family moment I am there. No point in scrapping if I am missing the moments :) However I am like you....at night after DS is asleep and hubby is watching shows not my style I will surf and scrap or read :)

Awwww, Kat, you are such a doll! You must have one of the most loved sons in the world! (((hugs)))
NEE NEE...you sound like me....I don't go out a lot...I spend A LOT of time on here...It's so much...I don't even know!! LOL...but I have no children at home...I do keep Cameran...and he does take priority...but he plays plays a lot...so I sit down then...and he usually plays right at my feet....I just have the laptop on the couch all the time...so even at night...when DH is home...he watches tv while I am on and we can still chat and I pretend to know what's going on, on the TV...LOL!!!
That's it ... I'm getting my DH to read this thread just so I can prove I'm not the only person who send hours scrapping & catching on forum bits 'n' pieces!!!
LOL Sue that's a good idea!

hehehe Linda, that's why I got DH to buy me a laptop...so I can scrap and chat while I watch movies and 'spend time' with him LOL.
I don't know to tell you the truth! I have two young kids...5 and 6. And I have a fulltime job outside of the home. So it's limited.

The fulltime job outside of the home affords me the luxury of having a cleaning woman. And my husband is by nature, a great "picker-upper"...he can't stand clutter. That's a huge help!

Everything at our house is about family...both immediate and extended (my folks and brother's family all live within 5 minutes). Wouldn't have anything worth scrapping if it weren't for family.

When the kids are playing together, I can spend time doing some digiscrapping or hanging out at the sites. Last year, we had a foreign exchange student and the 3rd child pushed me over the edge. I had to quit my Cheery-O position...just weren't enough minutes in a day! Totally lost my mojo! Happy to say that I've made it back from that exhausting place. (Hats off to all who have more than 2 kids. :-) )

If I get up before them, if I can stay up after them...that's my time to scrap and chat!
LOL Sue that's a good idea!

hehehe Linda, that's why I got DH to buy me a laptop...so I can scrap and chat while I watch movies and 'spend time' with him LOL.

LOL...yeah...that's why my DH kept looking for specials on laptops...and when he saw one he knew I would love...he showed it to me...and I jumped right on and ordered....so we have two now...but he obviously doesn't stay on it like I do...he just got tired of waiting his turn....he was shocked when I ordered!!! I am the one who always says "WE DON"T NEED THAT!!"
I don't know to tell you the truth! I have two young kids...5 and 6. And I have a fulltime job outside of the home. So it's limited.

The fulltime job outside of the home affords me the luxury of having a cleaning woman. And my husband is by nature, a great "picker-upper"...he can't stand clutter. That's a huge help!

Everything at our house is about family...both immediate and extended (my folks and brother's family all live within 5 minutes). Wouldn't have anything worth scrapping if it weren't for family.

When the kids are playing together, I can spend time doing some digiscrapping or hanging out at the sites. Last year, we had a foreign exchange student and the 3rd child pushed me over the edge. I had to quit my Cheery-O position...just weren't enough minutes in a day! Totally lost my mojo! Happy to say that I've made it back from that exhausting place. (Hats off to all who have more than 2 kids. :-) )

If I get up before them, if I can stay up after them...that's my time to scrap and chat!

When my kids were young, and I worked full time...the computer was not even on the agenda...I stayed in a dead run all the time....basketball, soccer, softball, girl scouts, church, swimming team, all of it...I couldn't even tell you what was on TV during those years....I ONLY watched my soap opera the Y & R...which BTW I have watched almost my entire life!!! I watched with my mom when I was a kid....and have taped it from the time I started working. anyway...having that time now is wonderful for me, because I could have never balanced it....even on weekends...Mike's three girls were here...so we had 5 and during the summer's too!! HE WAS REALLY OUTNUMBERED AROUND HERE....Him and 6 females...LOL!!!

So I applaud you for juggling what you do and still scrapping...and playing on here...and I am SO glad you got your mojo back because you make such gorgeous pages of those gorgeous babies of yours!!!
LOL Linda W. I grew up on the Y&R but don't catch it much anymore. And I love my cleaning woman...literally...she's my SIL. It helps them with extra money and it helps me with extra time. Our kids are still young enough that we don't have quite so much running...I say as I get ready to leave the house to take Syd to a private gymnastics lesson...after two this week. And both of them have had swimming lessons all summer. And soccer starts in September. Ugh... But really, I had to wait until my nephew finished baseball for the season...because that was every nice. And when basketball season starts...forget about it... But this is my stress reliever so I grab it when I can!
hmmm...my time varies from day to day. My kids are all small 2months, 2yrs and 3yrs so they keep my busy and Chase loves to be held and to eat (thankfully I can at least hold him and use the mouse at the same time ;)). I work 1 or 2 nights a week so my computer time is during nap time. The bitty ones sleep for 2-3 hours so I take an hour and a half to clean or work on making from freezer meals while they are asleep. BUT I always take an hour to do something for myself in a day, nap, scrap or read. Taking care of MYSELF like this makes me a better mommy :). Nights I don't work I may take an hour or so on the computer but I love sleep so I get to bed around 11 at the latest, plus I am usually woken up once or twice for a feeding.
ohhhh I could write volumes on this subject!!!

As a homeschooling mom of 4, I probably spend WAY too much time here to ESCAPE!!! LOL!!! Right before I became a CheeryO, I had a major "come to Jesus" meeting with Mr Gorgeous and we talked through how much time I was spending on the laptop! I had to really figure out how to balance everything. I gave up all of my CTs and asked Vicki if I could be a CheeryO (yes, I begged!!) and focused all of my love on the O. I tried to impose a time limit for me being on here, but alas, it didn't work as well as it could. So I've found a pretty good balance during school. I have emphasized to the kids that if they need me to explain something to them, I will walk away from the puter in a heartbeat. And I set a time for our lectures (history and writing) and each kid does grammar with me separately, too. in between times, I get to play on here!!

At night, we always sit around (if there isn't a rehearsal to go to or party to attend! bwahahahahah) and watch tv or netflix. I also read every night before I go to sleep. So even if I'm scrapping while in bed, I have a few minutes reading before I sleep...it's why it took me 6 months to read Anna Karenina, worth every minute!!! best read ever!!

When Mr Gorgeous started traveling, it gave me a lot more time to be on here. I can chat with him and all of my online friends!! I have developed some deep relationships with my girlies online and cherish all of them dearly!!! Meeting Vicki, Chris, Cynthia, and Wendy in Cozumel was a highlight of my life!! and I'll never forget Krista calling me everyday during the hurricane Ike to make sure I was okay. She wouldn't have done that if we had not already chatted every single night before that happened!! and those experiences for me make every second on here worth it!!

So, here is my life lesson to pass on to you...balance is everything. If Mr Gorgeous is getting the best me he can get, the me that is extremely attentive and puts him above everything (except God, of course!), and my kids also know that they are much more important than anything on the puter, then I'm doing okay with my time!!

and you guys are important to me as well, so I'll hang with you, too!! :)
I totally agree with Sally! I think balance is the main key!! I am totally obsessed with digiscrapping but not so much about other digi stuff like Facebook etc. My main focus is scrapping and I am the most active here at the O, it has become my home after all! I love the friendship and the just the caring and sharing attitude on this forum. So besides checking in here each day, I also just do a quick check on my CT forums to make sure I am up to date on what I need to know. Because there is only DH and myself at home I don't have the children factor, don't know how I would have coped with that. DH has become quite active in a lot of 'man junk' things like tractors, cars, motors etc. so he spends a lot of time on the PC! That's why I ended up getting a laptop! cause I couldn't get on our PC!!!
When I am at work I am virtually always online at the O, just dropping in and out between work, but when I am at home I only drop in when the main PC is not getting used or I 'book' time to upload stuff etc when I have to.......the main PC at home is the only one connected. I have a wirless internet connection for my laptop but can only use that in town cause I can't get wireless at home. So when I am home I mainly just scrap, each evening I will get a one or two LO's done. As we don't get TV reception we just watch DVD's so usually Friday and Saturday nights are out 'watching the box' nights which we do together. Often, if its a lovely night we will also just sit out on the verandah and just watch the night sky........but that normally happens in the warmer months!!! LOL!
So bottom line is, yes, I am addicted to scrapping, moreso than the forum participation (which I still love though!!) and domestic chores are done in between scrapping LOL! I am lucky that DH cooks most of the time and best of all he hasn't once complained about the time I have spent on the laptop........I think it is about what Sally said, finding the right balance for you!! I have found mine and I am happy!! :)
Gosh!! I was only going to write a couple of lines!!!!! Actually I SHOULD be doing the washing.............and I guess I had better go.........talk to you all soon!! xoxox